Front Office Basics
Operational Standards

The BCB for all name brand or premium restorations for PPOs.

What is the porcelain option or lab fabricated option?


In this WQ you will find ALL pending treatment that hasn't been completed or scheduled and needs to be followed up on?

What is the Treatment Plan Follow up WQ?


This is required in the subject line of your email, when sending any PHI via email to an outside organization or outside of pacden.com.

What is [secure]?


The Pre-reg WQ should be worked and completed up to a minimum of this many days.

What is 2-3 days?


Johnny has a 2/12m frequency for exams and has a PPO that runs on a calendar year.  He had a CCX exam on 2/1/2024, ER exam on 5/4/2025.  His insurance has coverage for an exam on what date?

What is 2/2/2025?


You click on this icon on your hyperspace toolbar to document any clinical conversations with a patient.

What is the Telephone call icon?


The $59 for the NP special, gets applied to this procedure?

What is the Hygiene procedure?

(prophy, PMV, Gingival Scale, 1 quad of SRPs)


Every patient that comes into the office should leave with this type of appointment.

What is a booked CCX appointment?


This reference tool will inform you what the minimum pocket depth requirement is to properly coordinate SRPs.

What is the hygiene maximizer?

After completing a smartpay within the office, you should be documenting the terms for reference in this location.

What is the Guarantor notes?


Patient's scheduled for specialty can sign consents up to this many days in advance.

What is 7 days?


The phone ring a maximum _______ times before the phone is answered.

What is 2 rings?


For HMOs, this is the industry standard on determining the cost of optional/alternative restorations to patient's when they choose to go outside their BCB.

What is the OTF, Optional treatment Formula?


This WQ needs to be worked daily and any account in there, production for the visit has not been recognized yet.

What is the Charge Review WQ?


This required document must be completed when a patient has more than 1 insurance and you are prompted to complete on the registration sidebar?

What is the Dual Coordination of Benefit's form?


This patient financing option allows the patient to spread out their payments from 6-24 months and the office gets paid same day.

What is SGF, or Smile Generation Financial?


This reference tool tells you how and if an insurance carrier will pay if a provider is not credentialed, as well as proper verbiage on how to speak to patients when a provider is not credentialed.

What is the Out of Network Maximizer?


Prior to building a treatment FA, you need to complete the __________section in the treatment plan tab to get the correct fees.

What is the requested section?


All Active Duty Military employees are required to have this completed prior to treatment.

What is a preauth?


In the ____________WQ it will include patients that want to get scheduled, Requests created by the Contact Center and should be monitored throughout the day.

What is the Appointment Reqest?
