The princess with long hair
The assistant principle
We don't have one.
What is brown and sticky?
A stick
General #4
All rules will be obeyed .... with out question.
(I couldn't remember the whole thing lol)
24 x 2 + 2 - 25?
The tiger's name from Alladin
Our school mascot
What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and Dinner
The 2 Majors
Major Parsons and Major Ware
True or False: Rhinos sweat red.
Black Widow calms The Hulk down with this
The 2 school colors
Purple and Black
During what month do people sleep the least?
February, it's the shortest month after all.
The lead counselor
Ms. Brittany
In simple terms, define euphemism.
Saying something in a nicer way.
The name of the hippie bus in Cars.
The location of our central office. (city)
San Antonio
What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
The letter “R”
The Kitchen Supervisor
Mrs. Suzanna
What is the capital of Spain?
The very first Disney Princess
Snow White
The number of students we ended the year with.
A boy Was Born In 1955 he just had his 18th birth day today how did that happen
1955 is not the year he was born it was the hospital room he was born in
The number of classrooms the facility has
The writing on the book The Statue of Liberty is holding?
July 4, 1776