Chicago Public Health History
Name that Pathogen
Antibiotic Resistance and Stewardship
Environmental Infection Control
Random Grab Bag

In 1922 Health Commissioner Bundesen (1922-1960) followed national guidelines that encouraged incarcerating suspected prostitutes. However, he also led a groundbreaking campaign that included distribution of condoms in brothels, public restrooms, drugstores, and municipal clinicals. What disease was this campaign targeting?



Name the bacteria:

1. Symptoms: fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, photophobia (light sensitivity)

2. Spreads through respiratory droplets

3. A vaccine is available and recommended for 11-12 year olds with a booster dose at 16 years old

N. meningitidis


In pathogen-directed therapy, the use of the _________ spectrum antimicrobial is believed to reduce the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and superinfection 

A. broadest OR B. narrowest

B. Narrowest

A patient with RSV is discharged before full recovery. The EVS staff goes to clean the room the patient was discharged from. Should the door be open or closed during terminal cleaning?



What is the measure of central tendency (mean, median, mode) that is most affected by outliers?



The Great Fire of 1871 burned a significant portion of the city's medical infrastructure, including the city's first medical school. It then relocated to its current location in the Illinois Medical District. Name that institution

Rush Medical College


Name the bacteria:

1. Grows and multiplies in a building's water system and spreads in water droplets small enough for people to breathe

2. Common symptoms include fever, cough, chills, and muscle aches

3. An exhibit of hot tubs at the state fair is blamed for a 2019 outbreak in North Carolina including 120 cases, 80 hospitalizations, and 1 death



If an antimicrobial is administered to a patient before definitive information about a causative pathogen is available, this is considered what type of therapy?

Empiric Therapy


What is the Spaulding Classification used for?

The Spaulding Classification divides medical equipment into three risk-based categories to ensure proper disinfection and sterilization. 

What is the measure of the proportion of persons with a positive test who have a disease?

Positive Predictive Value


What is the goal of Healthy Chicago 2025?

"Healthy Chicago 2025 is Chicago's five-year
community health improvement plan that focuses on racial and health equity to meet our goal of reducing the Black-white life expectancy gap."


Name the bacteria

1. Spread to people in healthcare settings when they are exposed to water or soil that is contaminated with these germs. The germs can also be transmitted via HCP hands

2. Causes infections in blood, lungs, or other parts of the body after surgery 

3. We care about the drug resistant kind

Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Please describe one mechanism of antimicrobial resistance. 

Drug inactivation: baterium produces an enzyme that can destroy or inactivate the antimicrobial (ex. carbapenemase)

Altered Target Site: drug receptor or target binding sites undergo alteration like MRSA

Decreased permeability: changes in drug permeability or an efflux of drug like with P. aeruginosa

Bypass: bacteria may develop alternative metabolic pathways to bypass the pathway inhibited by the antimicrobial


What is the chemical name of bleach?

Sodium hypochlorite


Why is it advised that HCP do not wear artificial nails?

Compared with natural nails, artificial nails have higher rates of colonization with gram-negative bacteria and yeast


The Chicago Board of Health was created in 1835, just two years after the city's founding, as a response to what disease known for its high mortality rate, distinctive GI symptoms, and transmission in contaminated water?



1. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, muscle paralysis/weakness, and vision impairment

2. Five kinds of this condition: infant, wound, foodborne, iatrogenic, and adult intestinal

3. Category A Bioterrorism



CREs test positive for resistance to at least one carbapenem antibiotic. Name 2 of "The Carbapenems"






Which of these items should be cleaned last in a resident's room:
A. Window Sill
B. Toilet
C. TV Remote
D. Curtain

B. Toilet


What are three commonly gifted items that are not allowed in ICUs? HINT: 3Fs

Fish, flowers, fruit


Chicago built the first comprehensively planned sewer
system in the country in response to cholera. Beginning in 1855, three landmark feats were required to help accomplish this goal and clean up the water supply. Name two of the three feats (Hint: think infrastructure)

1. Rose the city (literal buildings) by as much as 12 feet
2. Move the city's water intake further into the lake by digging a 2 mile tunnel
3. Reverse the river so waste would flow away from drinking water intake


1. Spreads via close or intimate contact: direct skin-to-skin contact with rash or scabs of an infected individual, contact with saliva, respiratory secretions and bodily fluids, and from pregnant person to fetus

2. Common Symptoms include a rash that may be located on hands, feet, chest, face, mouth, or near the genitals

3. As of this week, there have been almost 600 cases reported nationwide in 2024, nearly double the amount reported in 2023



In 2019, CDC released a report on antibiotic resistance threats. The report identified 5 bacteria and fungi as "urgent threats". Name all 5

CRAB, C. auris, CRE, C. difficile, Neisseria gonorrhoeae


What type of precautions should laundry staff follow when handling soiled linens?

Standard (including PPE)


In general, pregnant HCP are at no greater risk than their colleagues when following proper precautions though some exceptions exist. Which of the following patients should a pregnant HCP be restricted from caring for?

A. Patient with measles when the HCP is immune

B. Patient with parvovirus B19

C. Patient with mumps 

D. Patient with Hepatitis B

B. Patient with parvovirus B19
