The Department that you reach out to, to initiate FMLA
What is LOA
How often we clean and log the dryer vents
What is every Hour
Where all staff goes to retrieve W2s and Paystubs
What is The Prism App
Part of this procedure involves: making sure the floor is clean. Move any movable furniture. Spray a fine mist onto the floor never over the machine. Use a side-by-side machine to work chemical agent into the floor
What is buffing
After the morning check of hours in EPAY, the information is transferred here to make sure we are on track with our budgeted hours.
What is Payroll Confirmation
The amount of States that HCSG currently operates in, in the USA
What is 48
5-6 coats of wax should be used in this area when stripping and waxing
What is a resident room
This effects clients 5 start rating, may result in fines, and effects our relationship with the client (we are the expert)
What is a Tag
Residents personal belongings that is washed, dried, hung, and returned.
What is Personal Clothing
The Amount of time that we have to keep employee files once they have left the company.
What is 7 years