7,129 minus 653
What is 6,476?
Gregg made a total of 154 trips and 564 stops in a period of 14 days. If the same numbers of trips was made everyday, How many trips did Gregg made in a single day.
What is 11?
Solve for the variable
What is 14?
What is 11?
868 x 62
What is 53,816?
Find the area of a triangle.
~Look at the board~
What is A=150ft2?
Haley has 63 magazines in her cabinet. She plans t sen it to recycling office in their area. If she places it in boxes which can hold 9 magazines. Write an equation for the number of boxes she will need.
What is 7?
6,217 divided by 8
What is 777.125, 777 1/8, 777r1?
Dan bought 7 pieces of wood which measured 6 1/2 meters each. He used 5 pieces of wood for his kitchen project. What was the total length of the wood he used?
What is 32 1/2 meters?
Find the perimeter of the Rectangle that is on the board.
what is P=38 ft?
Convert the decimal to fraction
Find the perimeter and area of a rectangle.
~Look at the board~
What is P=64ft and A=192ft2?
Order of Operation
What is 32?
Order of Operation
What is 57?
Order of Operation
What is 42?