These are the components that make up intelligence
What is problem solving, verbal ability and social competence
Knowing numbers, words, verbal meaning, inductive reasoning, spatial orientation
What are Primary mental abilities
This theorist believed that an individual must go through different stages of cognitive development in order to help with decision making.
Who is Piaget
These strengths, knowledge and understanding are learned only by living through the earlier stages of life
What is wisdom
This is a performance approach to measuring intelligence
What is taking tests
Verbal and reading comprehension, vocabulary, similarities/comparisons
What is secondary mental abilities
This adulthood stage uses less emotion and more logic when making decisions
What is the late (older) stage of adulthood
Wisdom may be more strongly related to experience than age
What is a TRUE statement
This is a way to measure the adult's intellectual ability to understand concepts
What are case studies or scenarios
Being able to think and reason abstractly and solve problems.
What is Fluid intelligence
These adulthood stages are more likely to allow negative emotions such as anger and fear to affect their decision making
What is the younger and middle age adulthood stage
Which adulthood is more motivated to learn by internal factors (personal satisfaction) vs. external factors (pay raise)
What is the late (older) stage of adulthood
This type of intelligence decreases as the adult ages
What is creative intelligence
The knowledge the adult has gained through life experiences and education
What is crystallized intelligence
This adulthood stage takes more risks when making decisions
What is young and middle adulthood
all learning activity that takes place throughout life
What is life long learning