You should do this before you email a question to me.
Three Before Me (check the syllabus, Blackboard, and at least one other place)
To be considered "on time" you must be...
physically in the classroom and ready to work
This is how much evaluations count towards your overall grade.
You will use this to submit documentation of your primaries' development throughout the semester.
Teaching Strategies GOLD
Every other week
This will result in a 10% deduction per day and a score of 0 after one week.
late work
This is the phone number you should call to notify the CDFC if you are going to be late or are not able to come in.
You must do these two things in the classroom each week
You will turn in three of these for grading and then document one per week in a classroom log.
emergent experiences
You will lose this if you have two or more No Call, No Shows (including any before practicum began)
Paid practicum experience
Missing this many classes will require you to meet with me to discuss a plan of action and could result in a grade deduction.
This is how many grace period tardies you get for the semester.
This is how many weeks you will be the lead teacher
3 weeks (one partial and two full)
You will complete these screening assessment on your focal child this semester
Guidelines adopted by the CDFC that describe responsible behavior in the early childhood profession.
NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct
You work at a local early childhood center. You are assigned to turn in a daily schedule for a preschool classroom. You take the daily schedule that your workplace has and turn it in as your own. This is an example of what?
You should do this if you know you are going to be absent or late
call in!
This is developed if a student is not able to maintain satisfactory levels of supervision or displays a decrease or regression in performance, interactions, and/or professionalism.
student success plan
This assignment will require you to connect with families and create a resource or activities for families.
Family Night
Relationship-based program the CDFC utilizes to provide for each child's social and emotional development.
primary caregiving
You must do this twice during the semester: once before midterm week and again by finals week
Meet with Dr. Walter
You must have a conversation with your Master Teacher before you can use these in tasks or assignments.
children's photos
This is what you need to do to waive the written plans for your two full weeks of lead teaching
Achieve 90% average on written plans during partial lead teaching week
You will use this to demonstrate your child development knowledge and skills during a mock interview.
Professional portfolio
Mentoring system based on trusting, reciprocal relationships that involves reflecting on classroom experiences together.
reflective supervision