When should you call 911 if you suspect a head, neck or spine injury?
You should always call 911 if you suspect a head/neck or spine injury
What can you give someone who is having a diabetic emergency?
What are the symptoms of an asthma attack?
Tightness and pressure in the chest, difficulty breathing and speaking, anxiety and panic.
What are the signs and symptoms of a heat related emergency?
Hot, dry skin, inability to sweat, nausea, vomiting, seizures, severe headache, irritability, altered level of responsiveness and high body temperature
What are the symptoms of an ingested/ inhaled poison?
Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, pin point pupils, altered level of responsiveness, blue lips, burning sensation in the mouth, throat, and stomach.
When should you move someone if you suspect a Head Neck or Spinal injury?
Only if there is a life threatening emergency (life over limb decision) otherwise have them lie still and do not move them
What is a Febrile seizure?
Seen mostly in children, a febrile seizure occurs when a child's temperature goes up suddenly to dangerous levels in reaction to an infection or illness.
What is the correct way to help someone having an asthmatic attack?
Find their rescue inhaler, shake, take off the safety cap, tell the person to exhale, place inhaler in mouth and press cylinder to spray medicine into their mouth while having them hold their breath for as long as possible.
What are the signs of severe hypothermia?
Loss of consciousness, altered level of responsiveness, inability to shiver, loss of movement, shallow or barely perceptible breathing, and cold, pale, blue or black skin.
What is the care for someone exposed to chemical poison on their skin?
Brush off as much of the chemical as possible, change clothing if necessary, and flush the area thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention asap.
What are some ways a person might get a head neck or spinal injury or a concussion?
Sports, accidents, falls, vehicular accidents and assaults.
What is a Focal seizure?
Localized shaking of one body part or section of the body without the person being aware that it is happening.
What are the signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock?
Rash or hives, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, swelling in the eyes, mouth, skin, throat.
How can you help someone who has a body part stuck to a metal object in cold temperatures?
Pour warm water on the attached body part and gently separate so the skin does not tear.
If someone is suffering from alcohol poisoning, what is the position you should put them in to keep them safe until they recover?
The recovery position
What are some of the signs and symptoms of a head neck or spinal injury or a concussion?
Pupils of differing sizes, dizziness, vomiting, pain (either localized or all over body), loss of responsiveness, confusion, headache, bleeding in the head, neck or spinal area, emotional and cognitive issues.
What is an Absence seizure?
Often confused with 'day dreaming', a person is suddenly unresponsive and has no awareness of passing time.
What is the medicine we can use to help someone experiencing an anaphylactic reaction?
Epinephrine, usually delivered by an Epi-pen or similar injector, in the thigh muscle.
How can you prevent eye damage from snow blindness?
Wear protective goggles when working and doing activities in the snow during prolonged exposure to harmful reflection from the sun.
When is it unsafe to remove a tick from your skin?
When any part of it is embedded.
If a person receives a concussion what are the care steps they should follow?
Get medical attention, refrain from strenuous physical and mental activity until cleared by a doctor, rest, get plenty of fluids and healthy nutrition, and follow the guidelines for recovery from the doctor.
How do you care for someone experiencing a full body convulsive seizure?
Call 911, clear the space around them, do not hold them down, do not put anything in the mouth, protect the head with something soft, roll them into the recovery position when the convulsions stop.
Immediately seek medical assistance. The effects of the Epi-pen are temporary and will not cure the allergic reaction.
How can you help someone who is cold stressed?
Exercising will help increase body temperature and help them acclimatize to the temperature change of going from a warm environment to a cold one.
This is the medicine we can administer if we suspect a drug overdose.
Naloxone or Narcan.