Located between the Vertebral Foramen
Spinal Cord
Ethmoid sinus communicates with what part of the nasal cavity
Middle and superior nasal meatus
Muscle that depresses (open) the mandible.
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Biconcave disc
Auricular disc
Sensory and exits the cranial cavity through the optic canal
CN II (optic nerve)
Artery that passes through the transverse foramen of C1 and then turns medially and superiorly through the foramen magnum
Vertebral Artery
Nasal lacrimal duct drains into this part of the nasal cavity
Inferior nasal meatus
4 pairs of muscles of mastication
Highly elastic with some collagen. Not a muscle.
Retrodiscal tissue
CNs that all exit the superior orbital fissure and are all motor to the eye
Occulomotor, Trochlear, and Abducens
Two bones that make up the hard palate
Air cavities within the skull that communicate with the nasal cavity
*Be specific
Paranasal Sinuses.
There are 4
1. Sphenoid
2. Ethmoid
3. Frontal
4. Maxillary
Muscles that depress the hyoid bone.
Infrahyoid muscles.
Exception is the sternothyroid muscle*
State Why
TMJ Movement
Hinge (rotational) and Gliding (translational)
*Be able to describe both. Which one is the 1st motion and which one is the 2nd motion. What is happening in each.
Areas innervated by CN VII
The muscles of facial expression, submandibular and sublingual glands, and taste to anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
radiopaque U-shape on a dental maxillary molar PA (x-ray)
Zygomatic process of the maxilla
Maxillary sinus drains into this part of the nasal cavity
Middle meatus
The CN that innervates muscles of facial expression (state where it exits the skull from)
CN VII -Facial Nerve
Stylomastoid foramen
Vascular part of the disc
Posterior attachment (PA)
Remember that the disc is avascular dense connective tissue and not well innervated so the disc itself does not hurt.
However, the posterior attachment (PA) is highly vascular , well innervated fragile elastic tissue. For some patients this is very painful and they will seek treatment. For others there is no pain at all.
Only CN that does not exit the Cranial cavity and terminates within the inner ear
The vestibulocochlear neve
The pterygomaxillary fissure is the opening into this very deep and large fossa.
Pterygopalatine fossa
Pterygopalatine fossa and nasal cavity
Muscle located superiorly and muscle located inferiorly to infraorbital foramen.
Levator labii superioris AND Levator anguli fris
Popping sounds are heard from the TMJ upon opening.
The articular disc is anteriorly displaced in the rest or closed position.
CN that is motor to muscles of the tongue
CN-XII Hypoglossal nerve