Grammar 1
Speaking 1
Grammar 2
Speaking 2
Grammar 3

You meet a new person who lives next door to you. Ask them questions about them and their house:

1.What..., Which..., Whose....


3.What's______ like?

1. What/Which/Whose are followed by a noun

2.How is followed by adverbs/adjectives

3.What's ___ like? (Asks about the state of something)


1. Describe a time when you hung out with a relative of yours, who was it (detailed description of a person), where were you (detailed description of the place), what where you doing? 

*make sure to use a lot of adjectives

SB pg.10, 11, 12


make sentences with: can, need to, must, are allowed to, have to 

Modal verbs and other verbs related to them


Talk about an experience or event that changed or impacted your life in some major way.

*the present perfect is a great tense for this topic

SB pg.63, 64, 65, 66, 68


Make sentences based on prompts.

1. The kids were hungry. They didn't have enrgy to study. (hadn't/hungry/might)

2. Bob didn't bring his wallet. He didn't know there was an entrance fee. (would/bring/known)
3.Katie didn't go to dace classes when she was younger. She isn't a ballerina now. (went/would/be)

1. If the kids hadn't been hungry, they might have had enrgy to study.

2. Bob would have brought his wallet if he had known there was an entrance fee.

3. If Katie went to dance classes when she was younger, she would be a ballerina now.


Comple the question, name the tense and answer it.

1.What time __ you usually get up at the weekends?

2. When __ you last visit a museum?

3. Who __ sitting near you? What __ she wearing?

4. What  __ you doing when the teacher came into the class?

5. __ you ever been to a circus?

6. How long ___ you been using your book?

7. __ English spoken by many people in your country?

1. do (present simple)

2. did (past simple)

3. is (present continuous)

4. were (past continuous)

5. Have (present perfect)

6. have (present perfect continuous)

7. Is (passive voice)


Talk about learning a language: what you think is hardest and what is easiest, what you have to pay attention to when learning a language. (Talk about these points from the point of your mother tongue and second language) which language you want to tackle next.

SB pg.25, 26, 27



1. His plane took off/has taken off a few moments ago

2. How many emails have you received/have you been receiving today?

3. Look at the oil maks on the floor! You have been fixing/have fixed your bike in here?!

4. I work/have been working here since june. When did you start/have you been starting?

1. took off

2.have you received

3. have been fixing

4. have been working/did you start


Talk about your teenage years:

What kind teen were you? Unruly? Obedient? Eccentric? Quiet?

What you enjoyed and what you didn't.

If you had any best friends, describe them if you did

SB pg.72-73


Make deductions about the pictures and then about the artists in the past

could be, might be, must be, may be

looks like, doesn't look like

looks + adj

must/might/can/could have been


Comple with present passive, Simple or Continuous

1. A lot of manufactured goods ____ (make) in China

2. The hotel is closed while the bedrooms ___ (redecorate)

3. "Why are you taking the bus?" "My car ____ (fix)"

4. ___ service ___ (include) in the bill?

1. are made

2. are being redecorated

3. is being fixed

4. Is ___ included


Talk about your job/school: what you like about it, what stresses you out, and what you do to destress = free time activies. What recomendation can you give on keeping a balance between your work and life?

SB pg.30, 36


Complete about you

1.I'm thinking of....

2. I really enjoy...

3. I'm no good at....

4. I sometimes find it diffciult ....

5. My parent made me .... when I was young

6. I want to ...

7. My friend recently asked me ...

Verb patterns


Describe what you think the future will look like in a 100 years.

*All future tenses 

Make sure to be descriptive: people, technology, nature

SB pg.81-82, 86




1.... people mat buy __ book online, but what makes them want to buy __ book is seing it as a real object....

2. ... we seem to have lost tough with ___ physical world.

3. ... ____ greatest of all classics, War and Peace, looks the same as a two-page report...


4. ... we love real books in ___ hands..

5. We don't even feel that the e-Books we've bought are ____...


6. Nearly ____ workers today spend time sitting infront of a computer screen...

7. ... and paste them into a document to get ____ in the layout right.


8. Online tests mark ____ automatically,...

9. ... don't the student miss face-toface discussions with _______ ?

1. a/the

2. the

3. the

4. our

5. ours

6. all

7. everything

8. themselves

9. eachother


Complete the sentence.

1.The police found the money, which ____ (steal) from the supermarket.

2.They ___ (leave) for the station when I saw them.

3. I sent you a text. __ you __ (see) it?

4.I ___ (forget) to set my alarm, so I was late.

5. I realized we ____ (watch) by someone when we left the cinema.

1. had been stolen

2. were leaving

3. Did __ see

4. had forgotten

5. were being watched


Retell a story you recently read/watched/heard. Talk about the plot, the characters and the creators (if you can) Give your opinion on what you thought of the story

*Don't forget to use the correct tenses for retelling a story

SB pg.40-41, 44-47


Complete the sentences 

1. Why are you wearing your old clothes? - Because ___ paint my room.

2. Drive carefully, let me know when your arrive. - Allright, I ___ give you a call when I get there. 

3. Why are you amking all those sandwiches? - Because we ___ have a picnic on the beach. Wanna come? - Yes! I ___ definetily join you!

1. am going to paint


3. are going to/will


What if...

you were born in another country for example Turkey?

Describe what you life would be like: your house, your hobbies, your carrier and any other details.

SB pg.90, 92, 98


Change to reported speech

1. 'I work in a bank.' ⇒ He said

2. 'I am working today.' ⇒ She told us 

3. 'I've been ill for a couple of weeks.' ⇒ He told me 

4. 'I was at the doctor all morning.' ⇒ She told me 

5. 'I'll lend you the money.' ⇒ He told me 

6. 'I must leave early today.' ⇒ He said 

7. 'Get out!' ⇒ She told me 

8. 'Have you signed the contract?' ⇒ Suzan 

9. 'Where are you eating today?' ⇒ Sam asked me 

1. He said he worked in a bank.

2. She told us she was working that day.

3. He told me he had been ill for a couple of weeks.

4. She told me she had been at the doctor all morning

5. He told me he would lend me the money.

6. He said he had to leave early that day.

7. She told me to get out.

8. Suzan asked me if I had signed the contract.

9.  Sam asked me where I was eating that day.


What are the pros and cons of e-readers compared to paper books? Which one do you prefer? Or do you think watching something is better than reading and why if so?

SB pg.110, 78


Talk about a situstion: 

1.when you had to solve some sort of dilema, and what advice you would give to someone in a similar situation 


2. when you or someone you know broke some sort of rules and what were the consequances

*make sure to add details like when/where/who and so on

SB pg.50-51, 53-55


Why on Earth did he do that?

Come up with a reason why an Australian man once posted himself to London.

Use modal verbs of deduction

SB pg.102-103, 108


What is your idea of living the dream? What does it mean to you? Describe which parts of you life it would affect and how? Or is it just fantasy, imposssible to accomplish

SB pg.123, 124, 125
