Fill in the blank
Misc. #1
Components of health
Wellness continuum
Misc. #2

Smoking, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle are ________________ risk factors that contribute to the development of heart disease.

What is controllable 


Not taking part in physical activity on a regular basis

What is sedentary


This component of health refers to the way your body functions.

What is physical health


Sonya smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. She coughs every morning and has had five colds this past winter. Where is she on the wellness continuum?

Death, illness, average health, emotional growth, optimal wellness

What is illness


Prior to the twentieth century, what were the leading causes of death?

What is infectious diseases


Uncontrollable _____________ factors for disease include: age, gender, race, and heredity.

What is risk


Optimal health in each of the six components of health

What is wellness


This type of health is the quality of your relationships with friends, family, teachers, and others you are in contact with.

What is social health


Daryl’s girlfriend just broke up with him. This was Daryl’s first relationship, and he feels sad and hurt. Daryl has decided that he will get over his sadness and hurt by doing something he enjoys and by keeping in mind that he has friends he can have fun with.

death, illness, average health, emotional growth, and optimal wellness

What is emotional growth


The traits you get from your parents can be considered this type of influence on your health

What is hereditary


Being physically active would have a positive effect on your position on the wellness ______________________.

What is continuum


A strong belief or ideal

What is value


This type of health is the ability to recognize the reality and cope with the demands of daily life.

What is mental health


Jennifer exercises and eats a well-balanced diet. She maintains friendships and is able to deal with and meet the demands of everyday life.

Death, illness, average health, emotional growth, optimal wellness

What is optimal wellness.


This type of influence on your wellness has to do with your surrounding, the area where you live, and all the things you have contact with.

What is environmental influences


A message designed to teach people about an issue is called a _______________________________ announcement.

What is public service


Many of the leading causes of death among teenagers and adults can best be prevented through changes in this:

What is lifestyle


This component of health is maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having spiritual direction and purpose.

What is spiritual health


Jason drove while he was drunk and was involved in a serious car accident. He is now in a coma and hooked up to several machines.

Death, illness, average health, emotional growth, optimal wellness

What is death


This health risk behavior is the single leading preventable cause of death in the United States

What is tobacco use


An __________________ is someone who speaks out in favor of something.

What is advocate


The major cause of death for teens

What is car accidents


This type of health is expressing your emotions in a positive, nondestructive way.

What is emotional health


Whitney is a teenager who sometimes feels overwhelmed and confused by the physical and emotional changes her body is going through. However, when she feels this way, she talks with people she can trust for support. Whitney is a few pounds above her ideal weight. She hopes to lose the weight by starting an exercise program and by eating a better diet.

Death, illness, average health, emotional growth, optimal wellness

What is average health


Glucose meters, phone health apps, Lasik eye surgery are examples of society addressing health issues in this way

What is technology
