How can you raise your heart rate?
By being active 30min.
What content should you watch?
Inspirational and creative.
Is hydration an essential component to maintain a healthy body?
What is the best time to wake up?
What are the health consequences of being overweight ?
Health problems like diabetes, strokes, and high blood pressure.
What shouldn't you do after waking up?
Check social media
Most important meal of the day?
When should you stretch during the day?
After waking up and before sleep.
What shower is better for blood circulation?
Cold shower.
What genre of movies should you avoid?
Horror movies
How many liters of water should you drink in a day?
About 2 liters.
How many hours of sleep should a teenager get?
8-10 hours
What does PE stand for?
Physical Education
What mentality should you adapt?
Positive and optimistic
What happens if you skip meals?
Your energy levels will drop and develop strong food cravings
Where should you place the alarm clock?
Far away from the bed.
How many minutes should teens exercise for?
60 min.
How many minutes should you meditate?
20 min
What is a good replacement for chocolate?
Nuts and dark chocolate.
How long should a nap be for a teenager?