Mental Health
Spiritual Health/
Social Health
Emotional Health
Physical Health
Environmental Health

What is the fear of flying? A) Aerophobia B) Trypanophobia C) Astraphobia D) Acrophobia

A) Aerophobia

Trypanophobia- The fear of injections.

Astraphobia- The fear of thunder and lightning.

Acrophobia- The fear of heights.


TRUE OR FALSE. Peer pressure is the influence from members of one's peer group.

TRUE. Peers are people who are part of the same social group, so the term "peer pressure" means the influence that peers can have on each other. The term "peer pressure" is not usually used to describe socially desirable behaviors, such as exercising or studying.


Name at least 2 of the 5 emotions from Inside Out?

Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Fear


TRUE OR FALSE. Doctors recommend that teens age 13 to 18 get at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity most days of the week.  The minimum amount should be 30 minutes three times a week. 



TRUE OR FALSE. EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency.

TRUE. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for the protection of human health and the environment. EPA provides technical assistance to support recovery planning of public health and infrastructure, such as waste water treatment plants.


These are the most common types of drugs AVAILABLE to teenagers. A) Cough Medicine B) Prescribed Drugs C) Marijuana D)Tranquilizers 

B) Prescribed Drugs


Positive peer pressure can help you accomplish what? A) Lying B) Stealing C) A goal D) Fighting 

C) A goal


TRUE OR FALSE. Emotional Intelligence is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).



What are the two main components of physical health? A) Nutrition and Fitness B) Sleeping and Eating C) Fitness and Video games D) Nutrition and Video games

A) Nutrition and Fitness


What does the EPA regulate? A) Air B) Water C) Land D) All of the above

D) All of the above


What are the main medications for mental health disorders? A) Stimulants B) Non-stimulants C) Antidepressants D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Stimulants are administered to treat disorders in which attention, activity levels, and/or moods are affected, most commonly attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


What is an example of peer pressure? A) Reasoning B) Rejection C) Put-Downs D) Unspoken Pressure E) All of the above

E) All of the above


What hormone is associated with stress? A) Testosterone B) Estrogen C) Serotonin D) Cortisol

Cortisol. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues. Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation.


TRUE OR FALSE. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. This is the average maximum number of times your heart should beat per minute during exercise.

TRUE. For example, if you're 15 years old, subtract 15 from 220 to get a maximum heart rate of 205.


This president regulated the EPA in 1970. A) Obama B) Trump C) Martin Luther King Jr. D) Nixon

D) Nixon


Hopelessness and sadness are the two major emotions associated with what disorder? A) Anxiety B) Depression C) Sickness D) Anger

B) Depression


This personality type is associated with not being outgoing and not socializing often. A) Extrovert B) Introvert C) Funny D) Athletic 

B) Introvert


This type of criticism is intended to help and improve? A) Destructive Criticism B) Constructive Criticism C) Negative criticism D) Logical criticism

B) Constructive Criticism


What is the recommended sugar intake per day? A) 200 grams B) 125 grams C) 75 grams D) 25 grams

D) 25 grams


TRUE OR FALSE.Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people.

TRUE.  That’s comparable to global diseases like malaria and HIV


Name 2 of the most common mental health disorders.

ADHD, Anxiety, Substance Abuse, Depression, Phobias, and Eating Disorders


TRUE OR FALSE. Spiritual health includes a purposeful life, transcendence and actualization of different dimensions and capacities of human beings. 

TRUE. Spiritual health creates a balance between physical, psychological and social aspects of human life


This is a type of garden used for stress relief.

Zen garden


TRUE OR FALSE. Research on rats has found that sugar is more addictive than opioid drugs such as cocaine, and that there can be withdrawal symptoms such as depression and behavioral problems when people try cutting out sugar completely. 



What is 1 of 4 things that needs to be recycled?

Plastic, Aluminum, Paper, and Glass
