What part of the body can a little bit of wine help?
Cardiovascular system
True or false, all medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines?
What is mental health?
How you handle your feelings, thoughts, and emotions everyday.
How many drinks a day is okay?
Females: 1 Males:2
Can you be allergic to drugs?
What can mental health also impact?
Your physical health
Where does most alcohol go?
It passes through the liver.
What are drugs?
A substance that changes the function of your body and mind.
Your mind and bdy connect through what system?
Nervous system
What does a little bit of the alcohol get absorbed into?
The bloodstream
What are some reasons teens might use drugs?
Peer pressure, anxiety, curiosity, depression, stress, ect.
How can peer pressure influence your mental health?
Being around other people who are being negative or rude to you may cause you to feel sad and depressed.
If someone consumes a lot f alcohol quickly, it can lead to what?
Alcohol poisoning
What percent of teens have tried alcohol?
How does your environment effect your mental health?
Being in a healthy and happy environment with lots of sun, fresh air, colors, and people you love will completely change how you feel.