Who is in my immediate family
mom, dad sister, brother
When can consent be given
at anytime
When a person does not stop contacting someone they are a
Proteins build
These diets help you lose weight in short amount of time
In a workplace a person reports to a
Consent can be shown
The age of consent generally is
Vitamins helps us provide
growth and development
Purging is the attempt of what with the body
getting the body rid of food
A mentor is someone who
Guides others in a positive way
When you trust someone it means that
you believe that the person will not say anything to hurt you
When is it considered rape
when it is nonconsensual intercourse
when one does not consume the amount of nutrients needed this develops
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by
by the wanting to stay slim and not eating
Traditions are what
behavior passed down based on culture
When one shows worth to another person they show
When one is raped one should
not shower or change clothes
This type of tool helps determine if we are obesse
Bulimia is characterized by
Community members who make sure laws are followed is
law enforcement
Statutory rape occurs when
the person is under the age of consent
Mandated reporters are mandated to report what
any abuse
Carbohydrates are the body's major source of what
orthorexia is characterized by the
by obsessions of eating healthy food