What three nutrients carry calories?
Fats, carbohydrates & protein
This nutrient helps prevent certain cancers & is needed for digestion.
What does DRA stand for in the Myplate site
Daily Recommended Allowance
What is the best way to get all your needed nutrients?
Eat a variety of foods.
What is the most nutritional fruit?
Amount of calories in 1 gram of fat.
9 calories
This nutrient can be found in spinach & liver and helps blood carry oxygen.
Food label percentages are based on a diet of how many calories?
How many calories should a person cut out a day to loose weight?
What is the most nutritional vegetable.
Extra calories from this source are not stored.
This nutrient help regulated our temperature.
Myplate has 5 food groups, what are they?
Fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, protein
What is the negative effect of to much sodium in a diet?
High blood pressure
What candy was banned in countries for its artificial colors?
Both 1 gram of protein & 1 gram of carbohydrates = ?
4 calories
This nutrient is our main energy source.
The FDA allows for yellow 5 to be added to foods
Yes / true
Added sugar in a diet causes what organ to shut down and not produce insulin?
The Pancreas
What health indicator only looks at your height and weight?
Athletes should add this many calories to their diet when training.
500 calories
This nutrient is found in every cell in your body.
The FDA added a new requirement for nutrition labels, what was it?
Added sugar
Why should alcohol be limited in a diet?
Added empty calories
What kitchen cleaning product should not be used around food?