a combo of physical, mental, and social well being
what is health?
effected mostly by being active
what is physical health?
stage between childhood and adulthood
what is adolescence?
behaviors that determine a person's level of health
what are lifestyle factors?
a lifestyle with little movement or physical activity
what is a sedentary lifestyle?
three sides of the health triangle
What are physical, mental, and social?
how you handle your feelings and thoughts
what is mental health?
time when you start developing physical characteristics of adults of your gender
what is puberty?
actions that might cause injury to yourself or others
what are risk behaviors?
leading cause of teen deaths
what are automobile accidents?
a state of total health
what is wellness?
how you interact with others
what is social health?
people in your age group
who are your peers?
preplanned actions to help increase safety
what are precautions?
aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort
what is bullying?
healthy triangle balance
What is it when all three sides are taken care of evenly?
a positive example of mental health
what is expressing yourself in a health way?
volunteer programs with goals to improve community
what is community service?
taking steps to keep something from getting worse
what is prevention?
by senior year 2/3 of teens have tried this
what are tobacco products?
a continuum
what is the scale the represents wellness?
treating others how you would like to be treated
What is positive social health?
chemical substances produced to help regulate body functions, responsible for puberty
what are hormones?
active choice not to participate in high risk behaviors
what is abstinence?
each year and there are close to 120,000 emergency room visits among 12- to 21-year-olds related to using this
what is alcohol?