For a child to get a special milk or a food substitution, what special conditions must they meet?
They must have a medical intolerance or a religious preference.
A child has a religious preference for no pork. What form(s) do you need?
Allergy/Preference form
Are these forms correct?
Slide 3
No - the asthma action plan should say 2 puffs every 4 hours. Not every 4-6 hours
Also, the parent and HS staff did not sign the asthma action plan
Who do you send physicals and immunizations to?
What is/are the basic form(s) you need for a child to start at a center?
(No allergies, medications, or religious preferences)
What besides allergies and religious preferences goes on the allergy list?
1. asthma
2. chronic/health conditions
3. immunization exemptions
4. no photo information
A child is allergic to cow's milk. What form(s) do you need?
Allergy/Preference form and Special Diet form
Are these forms correct?
Slide 4
Who do you send Special Diet forms and Allergy/Preference forms to?
Crystal Fernatt
Mary Ingram
Alex Neal
How many days from enrollment does a child have to get a physical?
30 days
Update the allergy list
A child has an inhaler. What form(s) do you need and when must you have them?
VA Asthma Action Plan - needed before the child starts
Medication Authorization Form - can be a 10 day form signed on the first day of enrollment then sent to the doctor
Are these forms correct?
Slide 5
No - 14g is not the strength of this medication - it is the volume of the tube
Also, long term medication is not circled so I am not sure if this needs to be sent to a doctor for a long term signature
Who do you send the allergy lists to?
Crystal Fernatt
Mary Ingram
Alex Neal
Your center teachers
Your center kitchen aides
Does this count as a physical?
Slide 1
No because it is not signed by a physician. The note is not even signed off on yet.
Name all the places in a center where the allergy list MUST be.
1. in the red book
2. on the wall in the classroom (covered by the privacy sign)
3. in the kitchen on site
A child has a preference for no cow's milk and wants lactaid milk. What form(s) do you need?
None - the child cannot have a preference; they must have a medical or religious intolerance
Are these forms correct?
Slide 6
A parent comes in a gives you aquaphor for their child. You fill out a 10 day medication form with them for the medication. What do you do with the form? (where does it go?)
1. in the red bag for their classroom
2. in their green file
3. scan to Alex to track the expiration date
*To the doctor if needed for a long term signature
Does this count as a physical?
Slide 2
Yes - it is electronically signed by a physician
Who is responsible for updating the allergy list at your center?
A child is enrolling with an allergy to peanuts, an Epipen, asthma, and an inhaler.
What forms do you need for a child to start at your center?
VA Asthma Action Plan
Medication Form signed by the doctor for Epipen
Allergy/Preference Form stating allergy to peanuts
Special Diet Form signed by the doctor for peanut allergy*
At least a 10 day medication form for the inhaler*
Are these forms correct?
Slide 7
No - the medication form should say 2 puffs every 4 hours. Not every 6 hours
A teacher tells you a child has a weird rash and they want to send them home. Who do you call?
Your education coordinator or Alex
A supervisor is also a valid answer
What must be on a physical for it to count as a physical?
1. statement of well baby or physical (can't be a sick visit)
2. date of exam
3. doctor's name AND signature (unless it is an electronic signature)