This is a red, delicious fruit. One a day will keep the doctor away!
When you're movin' and groovin', you're sweating, too! suggestion to drink eight glasses a day of this?
you play this in a gym, with two backboards and two rims
this muscular organ about the size of a closed fist that functions as the body’s circulatory pump.V
these fruits are rich in potassium and fiber, people love to add them to cereal for a tasty breakfast..?
I am leafy green vegetable used as the main ingredient in salad. What vegetable am I?
what is stretching ?
or warm up
this fruit carries a lot of vitamin C
A lot of people like me with butter, cheese and mexicana crema, you can find me at the park, but I can also be found sitting on a store shelf in a can. What vegetable am I?
You can play soccer, jump rope, learn martial arts or ride your bike... anything that gets you up and moving and Increasing blood flow.
what it is to exercise
How many serving of fruit do you need to eat in a day, including fresh, canned and dried fruit?
This fruit comes in bunches, and is most commonly red, purple or green.
I get a bad rap for not only making women cry, but men as well. I can't help it, really. I have a chemical imbalance. What vegetable am I?
what is an Onion?
a gadget to measures the number of steps you take in a day.
What is a pedometer ?
These people control a game from a neutral point of view and making on-the-fly decisions that enforce the rules of the sport,
who is the referee, umpire, judge or Official
youth between 11-18 years old need 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 hours of this?
What is a dried grape called?
I thought at first that I was a vegetable, but it turns out I'm a fruit. Ya want to hear something else funny? I'm a character in the children's show "Veggietales". What vegetable turned fruit am I?
- Grains - Vegetables - Fruits - Dairy - Meats, Beans and nuts - Oil and fats
What are the different food groups?