Occupational Health and Safety Regs 1
Occupational Health and Safety Regs 2
WorkSafeBC & worker compensation claims

Participating in WHMIS and chemical safety training programs, take necessary steps to protect themselves and their co-workers, and participating in identifying and controlling hazards are all things this group must do.

Who are workers/ lifeguards?


These are designated as hazardous substances and can include: a liquid or solid material that is contaminated with a prion, virus, bacterium, fungus that has a classification by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

What is a biological agent?


Gloves, Goggles, steel toe shoes, and safety head gear all fall into this category.

What is PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)?


This group consults with and educates employers and workers about safe work practices.

Who is WorkSafeBC?


This outlines the roles, responsibilities, and requirements under this. It is also important for issuing amendments to supplier regulations, protecting confidential business information, compliance and enforcement, international cooperation, supplier resources, newsletter and contact information.

What is WHMIS?


For this type of worker, you must be under the age of 25. The other type of worker can be any age and includes those who are new to a workplace, location or facing new hazards.

Who are young & new workers?


This group assists with the developing and implementing policies and procedures important to an employer's overall health and safety program.

Who is the Joint Health and Safety Committee?


WorkSafeBC partners with workers and employers to save lives and prevent work-related injury, disease, and disability. Our services include education, prevention, compensation and support for injured workers, and no-fault insurance to protect employers and workers.

What does type of work does WorkSafeBC do?


This group is expected to things such as: provide education and training for workers on hazards and safe use of hazardous products, ensure hazardous products are properly labelled.

Who is the employer?


This can happen whenever there is a direct interaction between workers and non-workers.

What is Harassments and Violence?


Inexperience, lack of training or orientation and supervision, lack of understand of their workplace are all signs of this. 

What is a lack of proper training for new & young workers?


This is the regulation that governs WorkSafeBC.

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. 


Each product has one of these which identifies a product's hazards, precautionary measures, its classification, and how it is to be handled.

What is a label and data sheet?


Within a workplace, first aid attendants MUST have a certification that's recognized by WorkSafeBC.

What is Occupational First Aid?


This term refers to any element or compound that has the potential to cause harm to human health or physical harm and can be present in every workplace.

What is a chemical agent?


This group is has the right to: know the hazards in the workplace, participate in health and safety activities in the workplace, refuse unsafe work.

What are a workers rights?


WHMIS was developed to ensure that workers receive hazard information about materials that are used at their work sites in an effort to help reduce the workplace injuries caused by these hazardous materials. identify risks, and recommend precautions for safe handling.

What is the purpose of WHMIS?


As a worker you should know the details about elements of a health and safety program, investigations and reports, workplace inspections, occupational first aid and the right to refuse work.

What are the rights and responsibilities as of a worker?


Written policy to eliminate or reduce risk; Regular risk assessment; prevention procedures; worker and supervisor training are just a few components meant to assist in this type of program.

What is Violence Prevention Program?


WorkSafeBC was established by this governing body.

Provincial  government.
