Health Professions & Care Delivery Types
Social Determinants of Health
Interprofessional Practice
Evaluating Sources
Mix Bag

This is also known as a persons "medical home base" or entry point to the healthcare system where most preventative services are delivered. 

What is primary care? 


The conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health outcomes and risks are known as THIS.

What are the social determinants of health?


This is when students from two or more health professions learn together during all or part of their training. 

What is interprofessional education? 


This has led to a tangled mess and distrust of health and scientific information. 

What is the "infodemic" and/or spread of misinformation? 


A college study strategy that includes developing a visual diagram that shows topics and ideas and the relationships among them. 

What is a concept map or what is concept mapping? 


A Nurse Practitioner is afforded more of THIS than a Physician Assistant. 

What is autonomy? 


The underlying factors or "causes of causes" that ultimately bring about disease are also know as THIS

What are "upstream factors?"


This is when multiple health and social service professionals work together as a team to deliver the highest quality of care.

What is Interprofessional Practice? 


This is the ability to seek, find, understand, and appraise health information from electronic sources and apply the knowledge to address health problems. 

What is digital literacy skills? 


According to the SEM, Health Educators increasing an individuals knowledge about how vaccines work is an example of influencing health behavior at this level. 

What is at the individual level of influence? 


This field of health focuses on prevention, treatment and management of illness through the services offered by medical and allied health professions.

What is health care or clinical health?


A public health professional involved with reducing lung cancer rates would focus on THIS health behavior versus the direct patient treatment.

What is tobacco cessation efforts? 


This is one of the 5 core purposes of interprofessional practice. 

What is improve health via partnerships, or engage stakeholders, or speak to broad determinants of health, or improve medical management, or transform reimbursement models? 


This lens describes how the chain of spreading information rapidly begins when we encounter an emotional trigger and ends with people liking and/or sharing information before they have fully vetted it. 

What is the trigger lens? 


Developed as a way to recognize that individuals health behaviors are influenced by a complex range of social networks and nested environmental interactions.

What is the social ecological model? 


This field of health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. 

What is the field of public health? 


THESE are the 5 domains of social determinants of health.

What is (1) education, access, and quality; (2) health care access and quality; (3) economic stability; (4) social and community context; (5) neighborhood and built environment? 


This UAA facility brings students from a variety of health majors together to address a patient scenario? 

What is the Simulation Lab? 


This is when information is shared with intentional blending of factual information with known inaccuracies or manipulation with the intent to deceive and/or cause harm. 

What is malinformation? 


This type of motivation for becoming a healthcare professional is closely tied to with the likelihood of burning out. 

What is pro-social motivation? 


This type of facility provides stand alone testing, labs, and/or imaging services. 

What is an outpatient diagnostic center?


This is the primary driver of the social determinants of health and drives the inequities in housing, income and education.

What is racism? 


If team members are able to reveal their areas for growth and be vulnerable and open with each other, the team can avoid this common dysfunction.

What is absence of trust? 


These are approaches to prevention and/or treatment that are validated by some form of documented peer reviewed scientific evidence. 

What are evidence-based practices? 


These are the three basic psychological needs that set people up to still care about external validation but they do not become obsessed with them. 

What is autonomy, mastery/competency, belonging/relatedness? 
