Why do we have the 10 processes of change?
People use the processes to progress through change, each process is emphasized at different transitions of change.
List the 6 stages of change
What is the first step to getting healthier?
Nutrition, do you have access to healthy food? Do you eat at home?
Why is intellectual wellness important?
It keeps our brains active and expands our intellect
What are the 8 dimensions of wellness?
Social, Intellectual, Financial, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Environmental, Occupational
What processes of change go with the precontemplation and contemplation stage?
consciousness raising, dramatic relief, environmental reevaluation
List the 5 behavioral processes of change
Environmental Control
Helping relationships
Sleep is important in wellness, why?
You need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to be at your best cognitive functioning. Not getting enough sleep leads to heart disease, diabetes, obesity.
Reading, it teaches you new words and opens your mind to everything else that goes on in the world.
What is wellness?
Being healthy in many dimensions of our lives
The contemplation and preparation stages of change also has a process of change, which is?
List the 5 emotional processes
Consciousness Raising
Emotional Arousal
Self Re-evaluation
Environmental Re-evaluation
Social Liberation
How much physical activity should you get?
About 30 minutes each day, start parking farther away at the store, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Why should you focus on intellectual wellness?
It will broaden your perspective and you will be able to understand other's points of view
Define Spiritual dimension
Finding purpose, value, meaning with or without organized religion
Which process of change goes with the preparation and action stages of change?
Self liberation
What are the three assumptions made about the Transtheoretical Model?
Behavior change involves a series of different steps or stages
There are common stages and processes of change across a variety of health behaviors
Tailoring an intervention to a stage of change in which people are at the moment is more effective than not considering the stage people are in
Do you know how to store your medications?
Cool, dry, dark place out of reach of children in its original packaging
How to exercise your brain
Play mind teasers, crossword puzzles, sudoku
They have a website called Games for the Brain
Define Environmental dimension
Understanding how your social, natural, and built environments affect your health and well-being. Being aware of the unstable state of the earth and the effects of your daily habits on the physical environment.
The stages of action and maintenance go with which process of change?
Contingency management, helping relationship, counter conditioning, stimulus control
Define each stage of change
Precontemplation- no intention of taking action within 6 months
Contemplation- intends to take action in the next 6 months
Preparation- intends to take action within the next 30 days, taken some steps
Action- has changed behavior for less than 6 months
Maintenance- has changed behavior for more than 6 months
Termination- behavior is changed
How to prevent chronic conditions
How to stimulate your mind
Discuss interesting topics with someone, read a book, watch a TedTalk, take a class
Define self-regulation
Our ability to direct our behavior and control our impulses so that we meet certain standards, achieve certain goals, or reach certain ideals.