A balance between physical, psychological and social aspects of life.
What is spiritual health?
Not participating in risky activities at all
What is Abstinence?
After handling raw meat, you should......
What is wash hands thoroughly, Disinfect cooking surfaces, or Clean utensils?
True or false:
Our choices in our everyday lives rarely affect others around us.
What is true?
________ health includes Physical activity, hygiene and nutrition
What is physical?
________ health includes Communication, emotions and coping
What is Emotional?
Turning off location settings is an example of what?
What is internet safety?
Preparing the body for physical activity.......
What is warm-up?
I should do this after the main physical activity.
What is cool down?
_______ health includes Family relationships, teamwork and friendships
What is Social?
The freedom from physical disease or pain and the well-being of a person's body.
What is health?
This includes Wearing proper and sport specific equipment.
What is sports safety?
I should never Provide personal information, Post inappropriate pictures, Chat with people you are not familiar with when I am using the.....
What is internet?
Time of our life where we start developing our own set of values and beliefs.
What is adolescence?
The state and stability of an individual's personal money and income.
What is financial health?
Behaviors and habits that help determine a person's level of health and wellness.
What is lifestyle factors?
Definition of steps taken prior to a bad event that reduces the chances of a negative outcome.
What is precaution?
__________________ is an example of poor internet safety
What is providing personal information, post inappropriate pictures, or chatting with people you are unfamiliar with?
Time of our life when we should assume responsibility for ourselves and our decisions.
What is teenage years?
Being open to new ideas and experiences.
What is intellectual health?
A state of total being, total health
What is wellness?
Definition of steps taken to eliminate a bad event from happening.
What is prevention?
Main physical activity (cardio or muscular)..........
What is fitness component?
who won the super bowl in 1995?
What is the Dallas Cowboys?
An area of work in public health to promote and maintain the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being.
What is occupational health?