What is physical health?
Refers to how well a person's body functions.
What is mental and emotional health?
Aspect of health that has to do with a person's thoughts and feelings
What is social health?
Aspect of health that involves interacting and getting along with other people in positive and healthy ways.
The S in SMART goal stand for what?
What are refusal skills?
Set of skills designed to help someone avoid participating in unhealthy behaviors.
What is health?
State of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being.
What is wellness?
Active process that involves becoming aware of and making choices towards your health.
What are protective factors?
Aspect of people's lives that reduce risk of injury
The M in SMART goal stand for what?
What are conflict resolution skills?
Strategies for resolving disagreements in a positive way.
What are risk factors?
Aspects of a person's life that increase the chance of disease or injury.
What is health care?
Treatment and prevention of illnesses
Conditions that surround a person in everyday life
The A in SMART goal stands for what?
Who is an neutral third party?
What are genes?
Segments of DNA
Contain the blueprint of who you are
What is preventive health care
Going to the Dr even when you are not sick.
Regular check ups
What is an advocate?
Someone who supports
What is a goal?
Desired result of something you plan to do.
Name two life style decisions that are risk factors.
1. Poor hygiene
2. Not enough sleep
3. Poor stress or mental health
4. Eating unhealthy
5. Drinking alcohol, using tobacco, using drugs.
What is culture?
Someone's beliefs, values, customs, and art.
What is health literacy?
The ability to locate, evaluate, apply, and communicate information as it relates to health.
Who are your peers?
People who are similar in age to one another
What is an action plan
Detailed step by step method to reach your goal.
Name three ways to resist peer pressure
1. Stand up straight
2. Make eye contact
3. Use a firm voice
4. Be honest
5. Suggest something else to do.
6. Walk away