field of study dealing with the structure of body parts, their forms and arrangements
what is anatomy
what is the condition of a stable internal environment
what is homeostasis
field of study dealing with the function of body parts, what they do and how they do it
what is physiology
2 or more tissues grouped together and performing specialized functions are called
similar cells that are specialized to carry on particular functions of the body
what is tissues
the basic building blocks from which all larger parts are formed
what is cells
what is the goal of all body structures and functions
what is to maintain life
sheets that cover all body surfaces inside and out
epithelial tissue
what is the source of energy, nourishment, and regulation of bodily functions
what is food
what is necessary for bodily functions
what is pressure
what is gas that releases energy
what is oxygen
what is the most abundant substance in the human body
what is water
what is produced from the body's metabolism
what 2 things does the body do to maintain it's 98.6 degree internal thermostat
sweat and shiver
what causes body parts to move
what is muscle tissue
what receives and transmits impulses to various parts of the brain
what is nerve tissue
tendons, ligaments, bones, and cartilage are examples of what kind of tissue
connective tissue