most complex organ in the human body, that controls several other organs
make sure to do this every day; and get all those stinky parts
bathe, bath, shower
too much of a drug at one time is this... which could lead to death
the pair of organs that are the main organs of the respiratory system. They expand when you breathe in.
This sport, named after the inventor's dog, is growing in popularity and is essentially a small version of tennis or a larger version of ping pong
use antibiotics for this type of infection
bacterial (bacteria)
dont forget to put this on everyday- it helps control the sweat from the armpits
drug category of drugs that slow you down
the largest organ of the body
Don't use your hands while trying to score a goal- usually by kicking
soccer (or European football)
a bubble containing fluid that develops underneath the skin
you're recommended to do this 2-3 times a day to control that stanky breath
brush your teeth
stopping a drug that you are addicted to will lead these effects
the set of bones that protect your heart and other vital organs
Ribs or Rib cage
In volleyball, your team gets how many hits to get it over the net?
this disease causes inflammation in the lungs
do this after brushing teeth to get that food out of those gums
the number one reason teens try drugs
peer pressure
these are the main filters of liquid in the body, its waste comes out as urine
the removal of tissues or cells to test to see if it is cancerous
these little bugs may get in your hair, although they are attracted to clean hair
the more a drug has built up in your system, the more your body gets used to it; so you need more and more of it.... this is called:
name one of the three types of blood vessels that are used in the circulatory system
arteries, veins, capillaries
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge are the 5 Ds of this team sport where you don't want to get his by the ball