Health Skills
MH First Aid
Sleep & Stress
Nutrition & Digital Wellness

Name at least two things you should look for when accessing health information to make sure it's reliable & credible.

- Check source/author

- Check date

- Info is backed up by medical research

- Comes from a non-biased source


What are at least three signs someone might be having a panic attack?

Heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, shaking, dizzy, fainting, chills, feeling of choking, numbness or tingling.


When someone is stressed, the flight or fight response happens.  What is the name of the nervous system that puts things back in balance?

parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest)


The Altman Rule is a formula or “rule of thumb” to help determine the nutrient quality of a snack.  
What is the formula?

grams protein + grams fiber > g sugar


Explain what stigma means, and list one example of a "stigma" on mental health

A stigma is when someone views someone with a mental health challenge in a negative way.

Ex: "People with mental health issues are crazy and dangerous."


Name all the components of the SMART goal acronym.

Specific, Measurable, Adjustable, Realistic, Time-bound


List 3 signs that a friend may be self-injuring or self-harming.

- Cuts or bruises

- Wearing baggy clothing or long sleeve clothes

- Using lots of bandages or band-aids

- Developing anxiety and/or depression


What is the name of the stress hormone that can be detrimental to one's health if it stays elevated for too long?



What is the recommended amount of added sugar in grams for men and women?

< 37g for men

< 25g for women


The term to describe the ability to gather, understand, analyze, and act upon health information and knowledge to promote and maintain personal, family, and community health and well-being.

Health Literacy

In order to achieve a goal, what are at least THREE things you can do to help you achieve success.

- Set a SMART goal

- Focus on completing "Small Wins" each day

- Find a "Motivation Buddy" to hold accountable

- Create "Friction" to bad habits or less friction to make habits easier to do.

- Identify potential Roadblocks & Solutions


List 4 professionals OUTSIDE of the school building that someone struggling with a mental health crisis could access.

Therapist / Social Worker, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Doctor, Nutrition Expert, Crisis Hotline


Name three places you can go to at New Trier to help manage your stress.  Name and room number.

  • Adviser, Adviser Chair Rm 203

  • Health Services - Room 029

  • Social Work - Room 225 

  • Student Support Center - Rm 311

  • Academic Assistance Center - Rm 325


Name four factors that influence nutrition and food choice.

Culture                      Time

Family/friends            Money

Advertising                 Values/Beliefs

Allergies                     Stress/Emotions

Convenience               Sports


Explain the relationship between exercise and brain cells. 

Exercising creates NEW brain cells.

Releases endorphins: Dopamine and serotonin

Improves mood, attention, and wakefulness


What are the FOUR steps to effectively "analyze influences" on your health.  100 points for each step identified

1. Identify potential influences

2. Determine if they are +/- and internal/external

3. Examine how/why they are influencing you

4. Create an action plan to improve a behavior or mitigate a negative influence


Explain the steps of the "Recovery Position" and when someone would use it.  Also name the drug you would give to someone if you suspected an opioid overdose.

Should be used when a friend is unconscious from alcohol or drugs.  

- Lay them on the ground (not couch), assess the area and remove sharp objects, turn them on side, bring chin up to open airway.

- Naloxone / Narcan


Name four things (or tools) teens can do to improve their sleep hygiene.

Regular sleep wake cycle

Limit/avoid screens before bedtime

Limit/avoid caffeine & alcohol

Keep bedroom temp cool (65 degrees F)

Avoid laying in bed awake for more than 20-30 mins

Take a shower before bed or avoid doing other activities in bed

Have a wind down routine that promotes sleep


Name at least two “Thinking Traps” that can be unhelpful when engaging with social media.

  1. All or Nothing Thinking

  2. Shoulds

  3. Negative Filter

  4. Fortune Telling

  5. Labeling

  6. Mind Reading

  7. Personalizing 


Name 8 of the 10 dimensions of wellness

Multicultural, Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Sexual, Social, Spiritual


To be an effective health advocate, your health message should consist of these FIVE things. 100 points for each correct answer

1. Know your audience

3. Grab our attention and quickly educate audience about issue (backed by sources)

3. Tell audience why we should care (how does it impact health)

4. Suggest possible solutions to the issue or actions people can take to improve health

5. Connect to local resources or services


List all 5 Steps of the tMHFA Action Plan (be specific)

1. Look for Warning Signs

2. Ask how they are

3. Listen Up

4. Help them connect with an adult

5. Your friendship is important 


Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg's FOUR main coping strategies to positively manage stress.  

Tackle the problem

Taking care of my body

Dealing with my emotions

Making the world better


What does “Digital Agency” look like for teens?  

Name 1 of the ideas shared in class for 200pts, name 2 of ideas for full points.

  1. They know their values and align tech use with them.

  2. They connect with each other in meaningful ways

  3. They cultivate mindful tech habits

  4. They have strategies to avoid tricks and traps


Sleep is critical for emotion regulation.  What two parts of the brain have more efficient signaling when your sleep hygiene is healthy.

Pre-Frontal Cortex and Amygdala
