His way or the highway
An electrolyte necessary to balance the system fluids.
The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages
Chemicals that affect the CNS and interfere with normal functions of the brain
Psychoactive drugs
Is an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight
Laid back and non-competitive
Type B
Vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, or excessive exercise.
Periodic excessive drinking
Binge Drinking
A thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns.
Truly wants to make everyone happy
Teddy bear
Say NO -- Calmly
Explain why you are saying NO
Suggest alternatives
Back up your words with body language
Walk away from the situation
These are examples of what?
Refusal skills
Nutrient that can be associated with high blood pressure.
The dangerous toxic condition that occurs when a person drinks a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time.
Alcohol Posioning
Unnecessary or improper use of a chemical substance for nonmedical purposes.
Substance Abuse
Collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group of people.
Competitive and high achieving
Type A
A desire, rather than a need, to eat.
Physical and mental impairment resulting from the use of alcohol
Drugs made to physically resemble specific illegal drugs.
-You don't know what you are getting.
-Hard to diagnose so treatment is difficult
Look alike drugs
Cancer causing agents`
What are 4 of the 6 physical signs of stress?
Brain activity increases
Adrenal glands are stimulated
Blood pressure increases
muscle tension increases
pupils dilate
Is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating, or consuming a large amount of food in a short amount of time, followed by an attempt to rid oneself of the calories consumed, usually by purging (vomiting) and/or by laxatives, diuretics or excessive exercise.
Physical and physiological dependence on the drug ethanol.
List 4 of the 6 consequences of smoking.
Chronic couch
reduced stamina
Bad breath
Yellow teeth
Stinky Clothes
Expensive habit
A goal that you wish to accomplish over an extended period of time.
Can be achieved by breaking them down into short term goals
long term goals