A person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
What is in your field of control?
Your response to stressors.
Body system consisting of organs, tissues, and cells that defend against infection.
immune system
This nutrient is the major source of energy for the body and is found in fruits, vegetables and grains.
Dimensions of health that describe how a person observes and interprets info to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations.
Mental Health
Belief that a person's most basic abilities and feelings can be changed through hard work and dedication.
Growth mindset
Body system that consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that trade information throughout the body.
Nervous system
People with this personality disorder have an exaggerated sense of their own importance, have a deep need for excessive attention, and how a lack of empathy for others.
Inorganic nutrients absorbed from plants, water, and animal food sources.
Strategies for working through a disagreement or argument in positive productive way.
conflict-resolution skills
Positive stress that encourages growth and motivation.
Organs that take food, pass nutrients from sources into the bloodstream and then expels waste out of the body.
digestive system
The stress of preparing for a marathon is an example of what kind of stress?
The body uses this nutrient to build and maintain cells and tissues; provides energy; may also act as hormones or enzymes.
Theories and health claims that are described as science-based, when they are not.
Mental process used to avoid conscious conflict, feelings or thoughts
defense mechanism.
Body systems that consist of glands, secreting hormones to regulate body processes.
Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol help coordinate flight-or-fight. These are known as what?
stress hormones
The ratio of fat, bone, muscle, and water that makes up the body is known as what?
body composition
When making a healthy decision, what must you do before you identify the best alternative?
consider the consequences
Provides the body with a continuous supply of blood containing oxygen and nutrients.
Cardiovascular system.
When a stressful event is over and the body gradually returns to its resting state, this response is known as the ?
Relaxation response
Nutrients made up of lipids providing a valuable source of energy for muscles and help with absorption and transport of vitamins and minerals