Effective way to protect yourself from disease
Why should you wash your hands?
Five Food Groups
What is grains, protein, dairy, vegetables, and fruit
A skill designed to help one avoid participating in high-risk behaviors.
What are refusal skills?
Addictive substance in tobacco
What is nicotine?
Spending too much time watching TV or playing video games rather than being physically active.
What is a Sedentary Lifestyle?
Vitamins, minerals, water, carbohydrates, fats, and protein
What are the six essential nutrients?
Main source of energy
What is a carbohydrate?
What acronym is used when setting goals? You must state what the acronym stands for.
Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Timely
Considered a depressant
What is alcohol?
Moods or feelings you experience.
What are emotions?
Heart Disease
What is the leading cause of death in the United States
Without oxygen, short burst activity
What is anaerobic exercise?
Third person who helps resolve conflict.
What is a mediator?
This is any substance that produces significant changes in the brain, body, or both.
What is a drug?
Something that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain
What is stress?
List four dimensions of health
What is physical health, mental/emotional health, intellectual health, social health, financial heath, spiritual health, environmental health, and occupational health?
F.I.T.T. formula
What is frequency, intensity, time, and type?
These qualities include being responsible, fair, reliable, and trustworthy, among others.
What are good character traits?
Avoid the consequences of risky behaviors.
What is abstinence?
A state of feeling sad anger, anxiety, hopeless, and unimportant
What is depression?
A pathogen antibiotics destroy
What is bacteria?
5 components of physical fitness
What is cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition?
Three C's of a healthy relationship
What is communication, cooperation, and compromise?
Four stages of substance abuse
What is experimentation, regular use, tolerance, and dependency/addiction?
Being able to "walk in another person's shoes"
What is empathy?