The number one way to protect yourself from germs and illness.
What's the highest score possible in bowling?
There are many varieties of this fruit including
gala, granny smith, and honeycrisp.
The number of minutes we should be moving, playing or exercising each day.
At minimum 60 minutes
Name 5 types of emotions?
Happy, sad, anger, disgust, scared, confusion, boredom, etc...
The length of time in seconds you should spend when washing your hands.
20 seconds
What country is home to the Eiffel Tower?
You should drink at least 64 ounces of this a
This hard working organ pumps blood and oxygen through out our entire body. It's located in the chest and is the size of a fist.
Name this don't understand the question so you are staring at the teacher with scrunched eyebrows.
You should do this twice a day for 2 minutes every day.
Brush your teeth
In this Disney classic movie, some of the main characters are named after emotions who whistle while they work.
Snow White
This food group provides your body with calcium, vitamin D, and protein.
What are two ways we can check our pulse?
Carotid (neck) and Radial (wrist)
My heart starts to beat really fast and I feel butterflies in my tummy. What emotion am I displaying? What can I do when I feel this way?
Nervous or Anxious
Recognize and admit to your feelings, practice deep breathing exercises, and seek support from a friend or adult.
How much sleep should you get every night?
9-12 hours
In Alice in Wonderland, what animal is always late?
The white rabbit
This nutrient is found in meat, legumes, and
milk and helps grow strong muscles.
What are two reasons physical activity is important?
It improves our heart, lungs, sleep, builds our self esteem, concentration, builds stronger muscles and bones.
I felt so mad, so I kicked my sister. What could've he done instead?
He should've took a moment to pause before reacting. This allows him to recognize his anger. Then he could've walked away.
While away he could do deep breathing exercises, scream it out in a private way, do a work out, journal, etc....
How long before bedtime should you stop looking at your screen devices, so you sleep well at night?
At minimum 1 hour
How many hearts does an octopus have?
The average American consumes 60lbs of this unhealthy product a year.
Name 3 ways to help keep your heart healthy?
Exercise, eating healthy, staying hydrated, avoiding sugary soft drinks, get enough sleep, no smoking/vaping
The boy in front of me at the water fountain was taking too long so I pushed him. Did this child demonstrate patience? What could've he done instead?
He could've asked him nicely if you could have a turn