What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What is the unit of energy that nutrients are measured in?
First thing to ask a victim when they are chocking.
Can you cough?
What does SMART goals stand for?
Specific, measurable, achievable, Relevance and Timebound
What is the bystander effect?
A social phenomenon when people are less likely to help someone in need with others are present.
What an AED used for?
AED or Automated External Defibrillator is a portable device used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It analyzes the heartbeat of a victim and produces an electrical signal to return them to a normal rhyme.
The two types of nutrients?
Macronutrients and micronutrients
What must be given before preforming First Aid?
What is a stress response?
Stress is our body's natural reaction to outside and internal situations. That responds in either to fight or fly.
What are 3 of the do's of being a good bystander?
Make your presence known/Stay calm and collected/Ask if they need help/Offer specific options like walking them away from the situation/ Be direct and specific/Recruit support/Trust your gut/Follow-up
At what rate should chest compressions be performed?
100-120 bpm
How many cups of vegetables is recommended each day?
1 1/2 cups
Thier guardian
Name 3 mindfulness activities.
Sitting Mediation, mindful eating, single-tasking, and box breathing.
What does a social comparison mean when it pertains to being a bystander?
It is when people look to others to gauge how to behave in a situation. If they see that other people are not intervening, they may be less likely to intervene themselves.
3 Steps to carried out before giving CPR.
The 3 C's Check the environment, Check if the person is responsive, and Call 911
What is the role of fatty acids in the body?
The are essential to the creation and maintenance of the cell membrane.
The signs of a stroke?
FAST: F-face A-arms S-speech T-time
Name the 3 causes of stress.
Physical, emotional and behavioral stimuli.
What does a fear of consequences mean when it pertains to being a bystander?
It is a factor that cause one to not act because they may be afraid of being hurt or embarrassed if they intervene in a situation.
The depth of chest compressions for a child, infant and adult?
Adult/Child: 1/3 of the width of their chest or 1.2 inches Infant: 1 1/2 inches
The 5 nutrient categories are?
Vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy and protien.
The 2 types of shock.
Psychosomatic and Hypovolemic shock.
What is the difference between good stress and harmful stress?
Eustress or good stress is stress in which motivities and pushes you. Distress is negative and harmful stress can have detrimental effects on the ones physical and mental well-being.
What are the factors that cause the bystander effect?
Diffusion of responsibility, social comparison, fear of negative consequences, and pluralistic ignorance.