
How does limited access to fresh and nutritious food due to zoning policies and systemic racism shape the health outcomes of Chicanx and Latinx communities?

What is limited access to fresh food in low-income neighborhoods leads to reliance on processed foods, increasing risks of diabetes and obesity. Systemic zoning policies that prioritize liquor stores and fast-food outlets over grocery stores exacerbate these challenges. Improving food access would require policy changes, such as incentivizing grocery stores to open in underserved areas and supporting urban gardening initiatives


True or false:US born Latinx report higher rate for most mental health disorders vs  Latinx immigrants

What is true


Chicanx and Latinx have a higher chance of living in areas with ____ that can cause illnesses.

What is air pollution from factories and agriculture


What are three industries Chicanx are over-represented in?

What is agriculture, gardening, cleaning, construction, food service.


How have organizations like the United Farmworkers and the Black Panther Party raised awareness about food insecurity and environmental challenges?

What is organizations like the United Farmworkers and the Black Panther Party highlighted issues of food insecurity and environmental justice, advocating for marginalized communities. Programs like farmers’ markets, supported by initiatives like EBT, make fresh produce more accessible in low-income areas, empowering communities to reclaim health and nutrition despite systemic obstacles.


What is the latinx uninsurace rate ?

What is 29.7%


When did Hurricane Maria hit?

What is 2017.


What are two factors that have influenced workplace health?

What is language barriers and exploitation


How might traditional healthcare practices, such as those of curanderas/os or parteras, offer solutions to the challenges posed by institutional healthcare systems?

What is traditional healthcare practices provide holistic solutions by addressing the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit. Practices such as limpias, herbal remedies, and ancestral healing ceremonies resonate deeply with cultural traditions and foster trust within the community. However, barriers like the dominance of Western medicine, lack of institutional recognition, and systemic biases limit the integration of these practices into mainstream healthcare


1/ _ receive mental health services from a mental health specialist

What is 20


What is Act 22?

What is a law that allows people to operate and control in Puerto Rico without having to pay capital gain taxes.


Why would employers threaten workers legal status?

What is to coerce compliance.


What does it mean to "decolonize diets," and how can using ancestral superfoods like nopales and amaranth promote both health and cultural preservation in Chicanx and Latinx communities?

What is decolonizing diets" involves returning to ancestral foodways that emphasize culturally significant, nutrient-dense superfoods like nopales, chia, and amaranth. This counters the negative health impacts of processed, colonized diets and preserves cultural identity. Growing and consuming these foods fosters both physical health and a connection to cultural heritage, making it a form of resistance against systemic erasure


Who reported a higher trauma level in Latinx immigrants ? Men or women

What is women


What does CAUSE stand for?

What is Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy


What did Covid-19 reflect?

What is many recurring barriers to healthcare- lack of health providers in the community, skeptics of physicians, and the exclusion of immigrants and non-English speakers


In what ways has colonization disrupted Indigenous health systems and food sources, and how does this continue to impact Chicanx and Latinx health today?

What is colonization displaced Indigenous communities, disrupting traditional health systems and diets. This forced reliance on industrialized, processed foods, resulting in health issues like diabetes and obesity. These colonial legacies persist in the form of systemic barriers in healthcare and food access. Communities resist by preserving traditional foodways, promoting holistic healing practices, and advocating for environmental justice


What is the name of the comprehensive model for mental health services for Latin?

What is mental health pyramid for Latinx (Im)migrant communities


What did CAUSE fight for in 2018?

What is Puente Project which was the fight against the construction of a fossil fuel power plant


Why have these barriers continued to disparately impact Chicanx and Latinx communities?

What is they are more likely to live and work in densely populated areas.