What is a deductible?
The amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance starts to pay
How are individuals and family plans made?
Purchased through the marketplace or private insurers; may qualify for subsidies
Health insurance costs an average $____ per month in the state of Wisconsin.
What is health insurance
Where the insurance company will help you pay for healthcare services
Example of short term plan
Which word of choice?
This adds up to $5472 per year, but could likely save you much More or Less than that.
Why do you need it?
If you have a surprise visit to the hospital and it has a large cost; most likely you won’t have enough money so the insurance will pay the majority of the price
What is employer - sponsored service?
Covered by employers and includes coverage for medical, dental, and vision care
It full cancer treatment costs an average of $150,000. If your deductible was $1500, health insurance would save you $_____
Who needs it?
Everyone will need it in their life at some point
What is medicare?
Government program that covers for ages 65+
Would you save more or less if you use health insurance?
True or False:
It covers doctors visits, prescription drugs, and medical + surgical services
What is medicaid?
Government program that covers low income individuals/families
Why is it important to use health insurance if your someone who gets hurt a lot
because these different visits and care can cost A LOT of money.