
Signs that your physical health is poor.

What is frequently being sick, lazy, procrastination, and no motivation?


What are some bad coping skills?

Turning to substances, withdrawing from everyday life, isolation, self-harm, negative self-talk


Definition of social health:

How we interact and form new relationships with others and how we maintain our current relationships.


Good ways to keep your physical health strong.

What are exercising, eating healthy, and having good hygiene?


Emotional out bursts, insomnia, addictions, and depression are all signs of. . .

. . .poor mental health


The best way to improve social health. 

What is spending time with those who are important to you?


If someone has good physical health, how would getting sick affect them as opposed to someone with poor physical health?

The person with good physical health will have an easier and quicker time recovering while the person with poor physical health might have the sickness worse and take more time to recover.


What does having good mental health do for a person?

They are balanced and when faced with challenging obstacles, they can push through and have good/healthy coping skills if some things don't go as planned. 


You just had an awkward or bad interaction with a person, what should you do?

You should try to consciously try to identify and work on behaviors or attitudes that caused the problem in the interactions.


Physical health is the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep. How might having good physical health affect your everyday life?

Having good physical health will keep you motivated and in a good mind space. Eating healthy and moving your body can reduce brain fog and help you focus on work that needs to be done and have the energy to spend time with people you love. 


How can one improve this area of life?

Connect with people, have a healthy lifestyle, connect with nature, be creative, take time to relax/unstress, and seek help if needed.  


When choosing friends/partners what should you always consider? 

That they respect your needs, wants, choices, and boundaries.


Do you NEED to work out every day for 2-3 hours and only eat meat and veggies to achieve good physical health?

NO! Physical health looks different for everyone. If you can do all that, great! but if you go for a little walk once a day or even pace your floor for a few minutes that is fantastic. While eating veggies and meat all day is great, eating candy is great too as long as that is not all you eat. Just be mindful of what you are putting in your body. 


In the past few weeks, your friend has been looking sad, not dressing up like they used to, not turning in their homework, and skipping practices. They are usually full of life, get good grades, and are a star on the team. You ask them what is wrong and they tell you they've been having suicidal thoughts. What should you do?

Comfort them and let them know they are not alone. Ask if they have talked to anybody else. If they haven't help them reach out to a parent, counselor, and/or online resources they can use. 


What does bad social health look like?

Feeling lonely and isolated, and on the brink of becoming dissociated. 
