What is mental/emotional health?
Mental/Emotional health is about your feelings and thoughts.
What is physical health?
Physical health is all about how well your body functions.
What is social health?
Getting alone with others and having friends
What is the definition of environment?
the sum of your surroundings including the physical places in which you live and the people who make up your world
What is the way to decrease cumulative risks?
Example: putting on your seat belt when in the car.
Do you have to be religious to have a good spiritual health?
What is a positive way heredity can influence your health?
Do you need a lot of friends to have a good social health?
What is the definition of prevention?
taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse
Name the three areas of the health triangle.
Physical health, Mental/Emotional health, and Social health
Can your mental/emotional health affect your overall health and well-being?
How can your environment contribute to your physical health?
neighborhood and school safety, air and water quality, availability of parks, recreational facilities, and libraries, access to medical care
Who are your peers?
people of the same age who share similar interests
What is the definition of cumulative risks?
related risks that increase in effect with each added risk
How does the media affect your overall health?
Its always there to influence you and determines if you see good or bad habits that you could end up doing in your life.
What is spiritual health?
To know you have a purpose in life.
Name the 5 things you can do to increase your physical health.
Bathe daily, 30-60 minutes of physical activity per day, avoid use of drugs and alcohol, brush and floss your teeth everyday, eat nutritious meals, drink 8 cups of water per day, and get 8-10 hours of sleep per day
How do you maintain a healthy relationship?
Seeking and lending support when needed, communicating clearly and listening to others, and showing respect and care for yourself and others
What is the definition of risk behaviors?
they potentially expose people to harm, or significant risk of harm which prevent them from reaching their potential in life and which can cause significant morbidity or mortality
What is the health continuum?
It is a health sliding scale.
What are 4 ways to know if you are mentally and emotionally healthy?
Enjoy challenges to help them grow, accept responsibility for their actions, have a sense of control over their life, can express their emotions in appropriate ways, usually can deal with life's stresses and frustrations, generally have a positive outlook, make thoughtful and responsible decisions
How can culture affect your physical health?
Some of your culture can affect the foods you eat and it can determine your diet
Who does your social network include?
your family, friends, teachers and other members of your community
What is the definition of abstinence?
a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors
Name five risk behaviors.
Not wearing your seat belt,tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, unhealthy dietary behaviors, sexual behaviors that may result in an std, behaviors that contribute to injuries.