The only reason someone does CPR.
What is cardiac arrest?
True or False: Vapes are better than Cigarettes.
What is False?
A non-infectious disease.
What are Diabetes, Cancer, Auto-Immune disease, Chronic Lung disease, Mental Health conditions?
Symptom of depression.
What is feeling extreme emotions, having sleep disturbances, lashing out, loss of interest in everyday activities, feeling dull and unmotivated, bad eating habits?
The organ that pumps blood around the body.
What is the Heart?
The definition of a Cardiac Arrest.
What happens when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood through the body and the person becomes unconscious?
The amount of seconds it takes for the nicotine to enter your lungs.
What is 10 seconds?
True or False: The food group that contains the most calcium is Dairy.
What is True?
Difference between sadness and depression.
What is depression is an extreme form of sadness with worse symptoms and outcomes?
What is a feeling of despair?
2 ways to deal with bullying.
What is telling a trusted adult, ignoring the bully, being confident?
The chemical released in your brain after consuming Nicotine.
What is Dopamine?
The average amount of time a 9-12 year old should sleep for.
What is 9-12 hours?
The reason people don't ask for help.
What is being scared that people will judge you for needing help, or that you don't deserve help?
Infectious disease.
What is a disease that is spread through other people by bacteria, fungi, and viruses?
2 types of abuse.
What is Phsycological, Emotional, Physical, Sexual Abuse?
What is thinking that vaping is more safe and acceptable than cigarettes, and since there is only water vapor, there will be no damage to your body?
2 things you can do to prevent disease in your body.
What is having good hygiene, staying away from sick people, drinking, sleeping, and eating with a good schedule?
The brain structure that keeps track of experiences that trigger strong emotions.
What is the amygdala?
Refusal or Resistance skills
What are skills used to avoid risky, unhealthy situations?
Scenario: A bully is bullying someone you know, you do this.
What is standing up for the target, and showing them empathy so they feel better, being an up-stander?
Scenario: Someone offers you a Vape, and says "Try it." You say no and they keep implying you should, what are 2 refusal skills you can use to refuse the Vape.
What is using:
le refusal (NO) Use flattery
Broken record/repeat Steer clear
Give a reason/excuse Act shocked
State a consequence I-statements
Change the subject Use humor/sarcasm
Suggest a better idea Ignore / cold shoulder
Reverse the pressure State a fact/Statistic
Walk away/Leave the scene
Say No/Be honest
Scenario: You have a friend that refuses to exercise, and eats too much for their own good, you tell them this.
What is telling them that if they don't they could get diseases like diabetes, and they won't be able to control their weight in the future, telling them about how it is unhealthy for your insides and outsides?
Scenario: One of your friends experiences something that triggers a strong emotional reaction, specifically fear or anger, you do this to calm them down.
What is telling them to take deep breaths and walk away if needed?
UVA Rays.
What is a type of ray that promotes aging?