What is the first step to decision making
"Does a decision need to be made?"
Myth or Fact:
A person can live a life avoiding all stress?
You can't always avoid stress, but you can take steps to deal with stress in a positive way
Eating healthy foods and getting exercise affects what dimension of Health?
Physical Health
How long should you wash your hands?
20 seconds
Name at least 3 symptoms of Depression.
1. Loss of interest in activities you once loved
2. Inability to concentrate
3. Insomnia
4. Self-loathing ( beating yourself up)
5. Unexplained aches and pains
6. Psycho-motor impairment ( slowing of speech, generally taking longer to do everyday things)
7. Fatigue, tiredness, loss of energy
8. Constant Depressed mood
9. Anger or irritability
10. Continually restless
Myth or Fact:
Most of the time you make a decision there are several choices to consider
Myth or Fact:
All stress is bad
There is stress that can be good for you
Myth or Fact:
The dimensions of health are NOT interrelated and DON'T affect each other.
All the dimensions of health are interrelated with each other
True or False. Communicable disease are not contagious and spreadable
Name at least 3 symptoms of Anxiety.
1. Fixation on the outcome of events
2. Restlessness and difficulty concentrating
3. Problems with decision making
4. Worrying about potential stress
5. Fatigue, irritability, and headaches
6. Sweating without physical exertion
7. Shortness of breath
8. Insomnia
9. Irrational fears
10. Chronic indigestion
What two things do you need to know to make a safe decisions
Your values
and consequences
A situation or event that causes stress is called ?
A Stressor
Expressing feelings and emotions in a healthy way falls under what dimension of health
Mental & Emotional health
What are the differences between communicable and chronic disease?
Communicable- Can be passed from person to person
Chronic: Can’t be caught or passed to other people; last for a long time
Name two Risk factors for chronic diseases
Ethnic Group
Myth or Fact:
Your brain is makes about 35,000 decisions each day
Whether you're making breakfast or deciding what to wear in the morning, your brain is making upward of 35,000 decisions each day
Name two ways to reduce stress
How can you improve or maintain your physical health?
Eating healthy
Getting enough sleep
Working out
Staying away from drugs and alcohol
Give an example of a chronic Disease
What are risk factors for Diabetes ?
45 years or older.
Have a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes.
physically active less than 3 times a week.
What's the last step of the decision making process?
"Are you happy with the results of this decision?"
What's the difference between everyday feelings and overwhelming feelings?
Everyday feelings come and go and are a normal reaction to what is happening in our lives. They are always changing and don't usually hang around for too long.
Overwhelming feelings hang around for a long time, change the way we feel and behave and may stop us from doing what we want to in life
Name the 4 dimensions of Health
Mental/Emotional , Social, Spiritual, Physical
What causes sunburn?
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun
UVB causes sun burns
Something that makes a person more likely to get a particular disease or condition is?
A Risk Factor