A type of drug that give a person a rush and the feeling of hyperness (4 Types)
What is Stimulant?
Type of bullying that uses words and statements to offend another person.
What is Verbal?
Snapchat is an example of this.
What is Social Media?
The blueprint for the structure and function of your cells.
What are genes?
What is a Turkey?
Intended to be a non-addictive substitute for morphine.
What is Heroin?
A jock is an example of this.
What is Stereotype?
Bullying over the internet.
What is Cyber Bullying?
Genes bundled together in packages.
What are chromosomes?
This event holds the best athletes to represent their country in a variety of sports.
What is The Olympics?
Nose candy is a street name for this drug.
What is Cocaine?
Stalking is an example of this.
What is Harassment?
Parent's credit card information is an example of this.
What is personal/sensitive information?
A shape that determines the percentages of your genes.
What is a Punnett Square?
In Finding Nemo, Nemo is this type of fish.
What is Clownfish?
This drug is commonly found in the Midwest because of cough medicine.
What is Methamphetamine?
The number of schools Nick helped stop bullying in total.
What is 1?
Color of the bully on Kind Kingdom in Interland.
What is Yellow?
This type of disease was based on our genetic disease project.
What are Non-Communicable Diseases?
Our second unit in Physical Education.
What is Ultimate football/frisbee
Spell T.H.C
What is Tetrahydrocannabinol?
What is Australia?
When someone baits someone with emails or prizes to get personal information.
What is phishing?
Shingles is an example of this type of disease.
What are Communicable Diseases?
This part of the body includes the "Funny Bone".
What is the Elbow?