What is intoxication
The physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol
What is self-esteem?
A measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself.
What is a relationship?
An emotional or social connection between two or more people.
What is nutrition?
The study of how our bodies use the food we eat to maintain our health.
What is physical fitness?
The ability to do everyday activities without becoming short of breath, sore, or tired.
What is tolerance?
A condition in which a person needs more of a drug to feel the original effects of the drug.
What is body image?
The way you see and imagine your body.
What is personal responsibility?
Doing your part, keeping promises, and accepting the consequences of your actions.
What are nutrients?
The substances in food that your body needs to function properly.
The amount of force muscles apply when they are used.
What is medicine?
Any substance used to treat disease, injury, or pain.
What is self-concept?
The way you see and imagine yourself as a person.
What is a community made up of?
People who have a common background or location or share similar interests, beliefs, or goals.
What is digestion?
The process of breaking down food into a form your body can use.
What is endurance?
The ability to do activities for more than a few minutes
What is addiction?
A long-term disease where an individual has an overwhelming desire to find and use drugs, even though there are dangerous consequences.
What is academic self confidence?
The way you see your self as a student.
What is tolerance?
The ability to respect differences in people and to accept people for who they are.
What is diet?
A pattern of eating that includes what a person eats, how much a person eats, and how often a person eats.
What is flexibility?
The ability to use joints easily.
What is physical dependence?
The body’s chemical need for a drug.
What is physical self concept?
The way you see your physical abilities.
What is friendship?
A relationship between people who enjoy being together, who care about each other, and who have similar interests.
What is metabolism?
The process of converting the energy in food into energy your body can use.
What does body composition do?
It compares the weight of your fat to the weight of your muscles, bones, and organs.