first five decades
last five decades
grab bag
name 4 of the 8 topics you should cover in the history section of your APE?
What are reason for visit, health status (medical, menstrual, surgical, family), dietary/nutrition assessment, physical activity, use of complementary and alternative medicine, tobacco/alcohol/other drug use, abuse/neglect, and sexual practices?
name 2 psychosocial factors that should be evaluated during the APE?
What are presence of suicidal ideation, interpersonal/family relationships, sexual identity, personal goal development, behavioral/learning disorders, abuse/neglect, satisfactory school experience, peer relationships, and date rape prevention?
what physical staging system is very important to assess for in adolescents?
What is the tanner staging system?
name 3 different ways colorectal cancer screening can be performed once a patient turns 50.
What are yearly FOBT, flex sig q 5 years, early FOBT plus flex sig q 5 years, double contrast barium enema q 5 years or colonoscopy q 10 years?
name 3 groups that should be vaccinated against HAV.
Who are patients with chronic liver disease, clotting factor disorders, illegal drug users, pts who work with HAV, working/traveling to countries with intermediate-high levels of HAV?
name 2 of the 4 vital signs or physical examination components that should be evaluated at every gyn visit.
What is height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, and pelvic examination
what cardiovascular risks factors you should screen for at the APE
What are family history, HTN, dyslipidemia, obesity, and DM?
when do you start cervical screening?
What is age 21?
at what age does ACOG recommend TSH testing?
What is age 50?
name 3 groups that should be vaccinated against HBV.
Who are hemodialysis patients, newborns, pts who have received clotting factor concentrates, health care workers, IV drug users, individuals with more than 1 sexual partner in the previous 6 months, individuals with a recently acquired STD, all pts in STD clinics, household contacts/sexual partners of pts with HBV, clients/staff of institutions of developmentally disabled, international travelers, inmates of correctional facilities?
name 8 of the 13 laboratory studies or pathology that can be indicated at a women's APE?
What are cervical cytology, , gc/ct testing, hemoglobin level assessment, bacteriuria testing, STD testing, HIV testing, genetic testing/counseling, rubella titer assessment, TB skin testing, lipid profile assessment, fasting glucose testing, HCV testing, and colorectal cancer screening
name 3 hygiene and risk factors should be evaluated at the APE.
What are hygiene (including dental), fluoride supplementation, injury prevention (safety belts, helmets, recreational hazards, firearms), hearing, occupational hazards, school hazards, exercise and sports involvement, skin exposure to UV rays, tobacco, alcohol and other drug use?
what STI testing is indicated in sexually active teenagers?
What is chlamydia testing?
what unique aspect of the social history should you inquire about when evaluating an older patient in the clinic?
What is elder abuse and neglect?
who name 3 groups who should be tested for HCV?
Who are IV drug users, recipients of clotting factors before 1987, long term HD, persistently elevated ALT, recipients of blood/blood component/organ transplantations before 1992, and those with occupational exposure?
when seeing a patient during her APE, what areas of sexuality should you evaluate and counsel her on?
What are sexual development, high-risk behaviors, preventing unwanted/unintended pregnancy (postponing sexual involvement, contraception options), and STD protection (partner selection, barrier protection)?
name 3 different vaccines that we can evaluate our patients for at the APE
What are Tdap, HBV, HPV, meningococcal, influenza vaccine, Hep A, pneumococcal, MMR, and varicella?
at what age does ACOG recommend beginning mammogram screening?
What is age 40?
at what age would you start screening DEXA scan?
What is age 65?
who should received the meningococcal vaccine?
Who are adults with anatomic or functional asplenia or terminal complement component deficiencies, first year college students living in dormitories, microbiologists routinely exposed to Neisseria meningitides isolates, military recruits, and those who travel to hyperendemic or epidemic areas ?
what aspects of diet and nutrition should you address during the APE?
What are dietary/nutrition assessment (including eating disorders), exercise, folic acid supplementation, and calcium intake?
DAILY DOUBLE name 2 attendings who were once residents at mac house.
who are shaker, lasch, billow, greenfield, duchon, ehrenberg, wolfe, goldfarb?
what 2 tests should be evaluated after when turn 45?
What are lipid assessment and glucose testing?
Name 10 risk factors associated with poor bone health.
What are history of prior facture as an adult, family history of osteoporosis, Caucasian, dementia, poor nutrition, smoking, low weight and BMI, estrogen deficiency caused by early menopause, bilateral oophorectomy or prolonged premenopausal amenorrhea, low lifelong calcium intake, alcoholism, impaired eyesight despite adequate correction, history of falls, inadequate physical activity, patients with diseases/on medications associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis?
name five groups who should undergo TB skin testing?
Who are those with a HIV infection; close contact with individuals known or suspected to have TB, medical risk factors known to increase risk of disease if infected; born in country with high TB prevalence, medically underserved, low income, alcoholism, IV drug use, resident of long term care facility (correctional institutions, mental institutions, nursing homes, and facilities), health professional working in high risk health care facilities; recent tuberculin skin test converter; and those with radiographic evidence of prior healed tuberculosis?