Foundational Concepts
Evolution of Health Promotion
Health Promotion models, theories, and frameworks
Health Promotion Approaches
Health Promotion Strategies
Refers to the presence of abnormal alterations in the structure or functioning of the human body.
What is Disease
Who introduced the notion of health promotion nationally and internationally in the report titled A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians?
What is Marc Lalonde
What mainly consider health promotion interventions that shape individuals’ or groups’ health behaviours?
What is Individual-focused models
This approach focuses on the treatment and prevention of disease, especially on the biological and physiological risk factors associated with three levels of prevention.
What is Biomedical
Refers to creating environments that support health and reduce inequities in health and social policies.
What is Building Healthy Public Policy
Focus on the health maintenance by dealing with immediate health risk.
What is Health protection
Who proposed a national framework for health promotion as a strategy to achieve the goal of “health for all”?
What is Jake Epp
This model proposes that the process of intentional behavioural change usually proceeds through five stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance
What is Transtheoretical Model
This approach focuses on using lifestyle changes especially behavioural risk factors, to promote health.
What is Behavioural approach
Refers to providing environments in all settings – home, work, and play – that are safe, satisfying, stimulating, and enjoyable.
What is Creating Supportive Environments
Refers to the use of strategies to help clients prevent and reduce the risk of injury.
What is Injury prevention
Which health model is used to facilitate planned change with individuals, families, groups, and communities?
What is Population health model
This provides guidance on effective ways to encourage clients to adopt ideas, practices, programs, or products that are considered “new” or innovative.
What is Diffusion of Innovation Theory
This approach was started with the Alma-Ata Conference on Primary Health Care.
What is Socioenvironmental approach
One aspect of this strategy is the provision of health education to empower clients as individuals and to promote client involvement in health care decisions.
What is Developing Personal Skills
Policies developed with the intent of having a positive effect on or promoting health.
What is Healthy public policy
Which model clarifies the relationship between health promotion and population health?
What is Population Health Promotion Model
Who coined the term healthy public policy and identified that policy development proceeds through initiation, action, implementation, evaluation, and reformation stages?
What is Milio’s Framework
This approach was first introduced with the Lalonde Report.
What is Behavioural approach
Refers to reforming health services and the health sector so that they include a health promotion focus. This change requires movement beyond the focus on cure and clinical services.
What is Reorienting Health Services
A disease prevention strategy used to avoid health problems and to remain at a minimal risk level.
What is Risk avoidance
Who defined and developed the concept and components of health promotion?
What is The Ottawa Charter of Health Promotion
Who developed knowledge-driven, problem solving, interactive, political, and tactical models to provide clarification of the diverse ways the evidence has guided health policy development?
What is Weiss’s Framework
This approach focuses on health as a resource and considers the psychosocial and environmental risk factors related to the determinants of health in relation to health and health promotion.
What is Socioenvironmental approach
What is defined as the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and communicate information as a way to promote, maintain, and improve health in a variety of settings across the lifespan?
What is Health literacy