CAM Newton?
Stressed Out

One of the most common pain questionnaire measures of pain is the

McGill Pain Questionnaire 

In contrast to early research on the Type A personality, current views hold that the most unhealthy component of the Type A profile is:

What is being hostile?

ctivation of nerve fibers signaling tissue damage defines....

What is Pain or nociception


The Ayurvedic physician use these methods to diagnose a disease

What are: they look for abnormalities in the body, and smell the patient


Historically, stressors were primarily acute. An example of an acute stressor would be

Answers vary: stubbing a toe, stepping on a nail, etc...

What psychological states increase the levels of pain experienced?

What is anxiety or fear?

Problem-focused coping is associated with more positive outcomes when the source of stress is ________.

What is controllable?

True or False:  Threshold for pain increases with age

What is TRUE

If a person’s energy field is weakened or disrupted and illness occurs, it is a common belief of

What is curanderismo?


Sometimes, a spouse may have a bad day at work and returns home to verbally abuse the family. This is referred to as

What is spillover

Activities such as prolonged physical activity and even meditation have been shown to release _____ into our system, which is accompanied by pain relief

What are opioids?

If you have stress from a roommate who does not wash her own dishes, and you take the time to talk to her directly about your wish that she wash her own dishes, this type of coping style is called

What is approach coping?

Purely psychological pain without a physiological basis is referred to as this

What is psychogenic pain

This focuses on the relationship between body structure and function, and uses manipulative therapy as an integral treatment tool.

What is chiropractic medicine?

Suppression of the immune system and neuronal damage are some effects physiologically due to this

What is stress?

Cognitive biases can often amplify the experience of pain. What cognitive processes are related to more pain?

What are: catastrophizing, stable attributions, and learned helplessness

*Read carefully


*Ran out of category space.

True or False:  Studies have demonstrated that acupuncture may help in the rehabilitation of stroke patients, and can relieve nausea in patients recovering from surgery.

What is True

The neural activity leading to the control of pain transmissions between the various parts of the brain is referred to as this

What is modulation?

This method of healing developed in China at least 2,000 years ago. Procedures involve stimulation of anatomical points on the body by a variety of techniques. This healing technique is called

What is acupuncture?

Predisposing factors, such as a reduced threshold of nociception, precipitating stimuli, such as an injury, and maintaining processes, such as the expectation that the pain will persist, are all important in explaining pain. This describes

What is the diathesis-stress model?

The diathesis-stress model indicates that the diathesis is

What are vulnerable predispositions?

This relaxation-based technique intentionally brings one’s attention to current internal and external experiences  

What is mindfulness?

The pain-prone personality was thought to predispose a person to experience persistent pain. Although there is little empirical support for this theory, it did account for how pain itself can produce changes in personality. According to this theory the pain prone person tends to

What is tends to deny emotional and interpersonal problems


The theory that the pain impulses are blocked from reaching the spinal cord or brain at various “gates” to these areas explain that _______ works?

What is acupuncture?

Lazarus suggests that we make two major types of appraisals when we face any potentially stressful event. During the primary appraisal we....

What is we determine whether the event is positive, negative, or neutral