How long does it take to form a healthy habit?
66 Days
What is a neuron
Neurons are information messengers.
What is an example of physical bullying?
When a person used their body or an object to hurt another person
Whats the definition of a bone?
Bone is living tissue that makes up the body's skeleton. They give our body structure.
Why should teens participate in sports?
The exercise involved in most sports improves teens' health, strength, emotional balance, and life years. Exercise releases cortisol, which reduces stress; and endorphins, our bodies' natural feel-good chemicals. Sports participation is linked to reduced heart disease and diabetes, among other health benefits.
What are the 3 sides of the health triangle?
Physical, Social, Mental
What is the occipital lobes job?
The occipital lobe houses our visual cortex.
It receives information from millions of cells in our eyes and processes all of that information to help us understand what we are seeing.
What is the bystander effect?
When being part of a group stops people from coming to the aid of someone in need
What is a strong, flexible connective tissue that protects your joints and bones?
List 3 examples of good sportsmanship.
What is the Law of Least Effort?
The easier something is, the more likely you are to do it.
What is the temporal lobes job?
The temporal lobe is located on the sides of the brain near the ears. The temporal lobe is in charge of lots of things, including hearing, language, and memory!
Provide do ways to create boundaries on social media
Limit screen time
block/mute individuals
What are tough bands of tissue that hold your bones together at your joints, like your knees?
Make list 5 tips to fight against viruses/bacteria/germs.
Washing our hands
Respiratory Hygiene/Cough etiquette
Sanitize Your Surroundings
Handle & Prepare Food Safely
Don't Share Personal Items
Stay Home When Sick
Avoid Touching Wild Animals
Get Vaccinated
What are the 3 rules when creating a habit?
1. Make it obvious
2. Make it easy
3. Reward
What are the three types of self talk?
Positive, Negative, Instructional
What are the 4 types of bullying that we discussed in class
How many bones are in our body?
Why is exercise important in puberty?
What does S.M.A.R.T stand for?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time
What are 3 anxiety disorders?
OCD: Recurring, feelings that make them feel driven to do something repetitively
PTSD: a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it
Social Anxiety: fear of being watched and judged by others.
Phobias: immediate and intense fear
What is a social norm?
Behaviors that are considered acceptable in a group or society
How we behave as individuals is strongly influences by what we perceive to be the norm for out peers
List 6 parts of the healthy eating plate.
Vegetables, Grains, Fruits, Protein, Healthy Fats/Oils, Water
What are the 5 stages of a human life cycle?
Infant, Child, Teen, Adult, Elderly