Write an enabler for post-school transition.
Provide an example of a common transition in a students life.
Moving from primary school to high school, finishing school, going through puberty, moving schools
Write down one diffusion process variable
Characteristics of innovation, characteristics of individuals, characteristics of change agents, features of the setting
When and why would you use RE-AIM
RE-AIM is used at the end of the Health Inquiry Model to evaluate and reflect on implemented innovations
What are you writing in your external exam?
2 x 400-500 word responses
What is a barrier?
Something that limits access to community and social resources.
Define trajectory
Trajectories look at long term patterns of stability and change in a person's life. This might include multiple transitions.
What does characteristics of change agents refer to?
Who is implementing and influencing the innovation and their ability to customise the design and delivery of the program for the intended audience
What questions might you ask in relation to Reach?
Who takes part/participates? How are participants accessed? What is the target number of people? Are the target participants representative?
What is the first question going to be related to?
Context and needs analysis of data
What is health literacy?
Health literacy is the cognitive and social skills that determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information in a way to promote and maintain good health
How does Life Course Perspective link to post-school transition?
Post-school transition is a significant life event and transition that all students go through which influences the life trajectory of the student into adulthood.
What do diffusion process variables influence?
What does effectiveness assess?
Impact of the intervention - potential negative & positive outcomes, economic outcomes, level of satisfaction.
What is the second question going to be about?
What are the Social Justice Principles?
Diversity, equity and supportive environments
How does relationships link to life course perspective?
Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Trialability, Observability
What might you consider when evaluating maintenance?
How will the innovation be managed over time, Cost over time, is the innovation sustainable, will the innovation produce long-lasting effects
What are 5 key terms that you will need to use in the first question?
Barrier, enabler, data trend, determinant, resources, personal, social, community
Socioeconomic characteristics (education, employment, access to services, social roles), health behaviours (smoking, tobacco use, physical activity, sexual practices), biomedical factors (birth weight, body weight, blood pressure), psychological factors (stress, trauma, resilience), knowledge, attitudes and beliefs (health literacy)
Write a definition for a general resistance resource and provide an example in post-school transition.
General Resistance Resources are characteristics of a person, group or community that facilitate the individual's ability to cope effectively with stressors. An example of a general resistance resource in post-school transition is health literacy, self-esteem, cultural connection, resilience.
What are the three stages of diffusion?
Innovation development, dissemination, institutionalisation
Write 3 questions to assess implementation.
Implementation - extent to which the intervention/innovation is implemented as intended in the real world.
What was done? How was the innovation delivered? How does the innovation get to the target? Was is implemented as intended? Were there costs?
What are five key terms you might need to use in the second question?
innovation, dissemination, context, needs, determinants