Please translate the phrases in italics in English:

1. The rag soaked up most of the water.

2. We went to the beach and soaked up the sun/sunshine all afternoon.

1. absorb

2. to enjoy feeling or experiencing (something pleasant) in usually a slow or relaxed way


Please translate the WORD in italics in English:

Stock prices are beginning to soar.

She watched the dove soar above the chestnut trees.

He has recovered from pneumonia.

If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.



Please explain the words in Italics in English.

He has suffering from hepatitis.

Diabetes patients need special dietary advice. 

Malaria is common in Afrcia.

persevere or continue with


Fill the blanks with the synonyms of the given words. (using words form chapter 3)

Dr. Whitesides believes that the future of this technology is ________ (hopeful).

They’re going to                    (keep) the same team as last Saturday.


stick with


Circle the appropriate definition for each word.

1. sensible

a. rational

b. sensitive

2. rigorous

a. meticulous

b. unimportant

3. consumption

a. eating

b. utilization

4. weight loss

a. losing weight

b. becoming skinny

5. findings

a. inventions

b. discoveries


sensible adj. Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions. 明智的

rigorous adj. 1. very strict and demanding 2. 

done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail


Fill the blanks with the synonyms of the given words. (using words form chapter 3)

Dr. George Whitesides uses pieces of paper the size of postage stamps to analyze ________ (fatal) diseases. The technology is very ______ (simple): drops of blood or urine are placed on the paper, and the paper changes color.

1. devastating 

2. straightforward 


Fill the blanks with the synonyms of the given words. (using words form chapter 3)

To make a_______ (judgment), doctors only need to analyze the color changes. This means that doctors do not even need to be present when testing for diseases, because they can look at digital images. Early reports suggest that the technology is very______ (trustworthy) and that there are not many ________ (possible) problems to its use.

1. diagnosis

2. reliable 

3. potential


1. researchers

a. people who study something

b. scientists

2. inactive

a. lazy

b. someone who does not do very much

3. random

a. predictable

b. without logic or reason

4. long-lasting

a. with a long duration

b. hopeful

5. subsequent

a. coming before

b. coming after

a, b, b, a, b


Decide if it is true or false according to the readings in the chapter. Why?

1. In the health industry, robots are used by surgeons, medical students, nurses, and patients.

2. The technology invented by Dr. George Whitesides is useful only in industrialized countries such as Europe or the United States.

 1. T

 2. F: It is especially useful in developing countries.


Decide if it is true or false according to the readings in the chapter. Why?

1. Brenda Davy’s report explains that drinking water is very healthy but does not have long-term effects on weight.

2. No one knows why drinking water before meals helps people lose weight.

 1. F: Drinking water seems to have long-term

effects on weight.

 2. T


Decide if it is true or false. Why?

1. Predicting the content of a text from the title or first paragraph is useful because usually these parts of the text contain the main idea.

2. It is always better to use the dictionary than to guess the meaning of words from context.

1. T

2.  F: It is better to try to guess the meaning of words from the context.


What is the difference between the terms flow chart and outline?

A flow chart is useful for taking notes about a process. An outline is a formal note-taking strategy.


Circle all the possible answers to the question.

1. Someone who disagrees with the ideas in Reading One might say . . .

a. Using robots in hospitals is too expensive.

b. Robotic pants can help people with mobility problems to walk again.

c. When patients are worried or scared, robots will not be able to comfort them.



Circle all the possible answers to the question.

Someone who disagrees with the ideas in Reading Two might say . . .

a. Only doctors should be allowed to test for illnesses.

b. People without training might make mistakes when they use this technology.

c. Paper should be used only for printing books or making artwork.



Circle all the possible answers to the question.

Someone who disagrees with the ideas in Reading Three might say . . .

a. We should always follow advice from our mothers and grandmothers.

b. Unless we know the reason water helps us lose weight, the study is not convincing.

c. Bottled water is better than tap water.



Circle all the possible answers to the question.

The main ideas of the readings are . . .

a. People prefer real doctors to robots because they can answer their questions.

b. Simple solutions to complex health problems exist and are being used in

many countries.

c. Drinking a pint of water before eating meals helps people lose weight.

b, c


Find the supporting details for this statement. Circle all the answers that are correct.

In the modern world, health and medicine are very

different from the way they were in the past.

1. Surgeons can use telesurgery to operate on patients who are in a different location.

2. Many people prefer talking to real doctors than talking to robots.

3. The government should spend more money on medical research.

4. Today doctors can sometimes use paper instead of needles to test for illnesses.

5. Both simple and complex solutions to health problems are being invented each year.

6. In the 21st century, drinking water is not very important.



Please fill in the blanks with the correct word (right form): blood, scenario, tired, frustrated, injury, resembles

1. The human simulators discussed in the reading ______ real people. They may even ______.

7. When someone is training to become a doctor, it is important that they experience as many real-life ______ as possible.

8. Many aspects of being a nurse are ______.

9. Robots prevent ______ because they never get tired.

10. Unlike robots, real-life doctors and nurses may become ______ if something is difficult for them.

 1. resemble, bleed

 2. scenarios

 3. tiring

 4. injury

 5. frustrated


Fill in the blanks with the given words (right form):

benefit, distract, recovery, operate, repetition 

1. Recently, hospitals have begun to use robots to _____ on patients.

2. Despite people’s fears, there are many _____ to the new technology that is being used in health science.

3. Robots are different from doctors and nurses because they never become _____ by things that are happening around them.

4. Doing an action over and over may be boring because it is _____.

5. If patients feel less pain during an operation, they will probably _____ more quickly.

 1. operate  

 2. Benefits  

 3. Distracted  

 4. Repetitive  

 5. recover


Please analyze the structure of the given sentence and translate it into Chinese:

It is possible that the water replaced sugary drinks in the group that drank water, but this does not explain the weight loss because the calories associated with any drinks consumed by the other group had to be within the daily limits.

Why this works is unclear. But work it does. (Para5 A3)

It is possible {that the water replaced sugary drinks in the group (that drank water)}, but this does not explain the weight loss (because the calories associated with any drinks consumed by the other group had to be within the daily limits.)
