Two or more tissues grouped together and performing specialized functions.
What is Organs?
A child's faith and gratitude is simple and uncomplicated. We are to come to Christ as children.
Why did Jesus have such a special place in His heart for children? How are we to come to Christ?
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. He opened the doors to the invisible world. Researchers use the microscope as the basis for scientific development.
Who invented the microscope?
Tendons, ligaments, bones and cartilage.
What is connective tissue?
These are voluntary muscled.
What is skeletal muscles?
Related organs make up the systems of the body.
What is systems of the body?
They are closely related. It is difficult to separate the structure of the body parts from their function.
Why are anatomy and physiology often discussed together?
The body works together to function as one healthy being. Many smaller parts, such as the cells and tissues form larger parts that eventually make up the whole body, as one complete being.
What is the meaning of the phrase: "My body, composed of many parts, is one."
Causes body parts to move.
What is muscle tissue?
An organ that completely covers the body.
What is skin?
The basic building blocks from which all larger parts are formed.
What are cells?
The body has a constant need to maintain balance. When the environment outside the body changes, temperature or oxygen for example, the conditions within the body must remain stable.
Why is homeostasis so important in the human body?
Circulatory, Respiratory, Skeletal, Muscular, Digestive, Excretory, Integumentary (skin), Endocrine, Nervous, Immune, Reproductive
What are the eleven systems of the body?
Receive and transmit impulses to various parts of the brain.
What is Nerve tissue?
Is completely made up of cells.
What is the entire human body?
The condition of a stable internal environment.
What is homeostasis?
If the temperature drops, the body automatically triggers the brain to generate heat, and the body may begin to shiver. If the body is too hot, the brain may turn on the body's natural cooling system and the body begins to sweat.
Two or more tissues grouped together and performing specialized functions.
What is organs?
The muscle tissue is to contract.
What is the primary function of the muscle tissue?
"For Thou didst from my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are They works, and my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:13-14
What scripture states I am very special and that God loves me?
Are made up of similar cells that are specialized to carry on particular functions in the body.
What are tissues?
The body is like a team. Every organ in the body needs to be healthy and functioning to ensure health of the 11 systems of the body.
What is the unique relationship between the organs in your body and the systems in your body?
Sheets that cover all body surfaces, inside and out.
Epithelial tissue
Can produced quickly in case cells are damaged or injured.
What is epithelial tissues?
When I see my self worth as positive and of value.
What is positive self esteem?