Birth Control/STD's
Relationships (Healthy/Unhealthy)
It is normal for males to get multiple erections a day for no reason.
What is True.
You can get contraception at Vitosi.
What is True? Birth Control Pills & Condoms
Two people have nothing in common except a sexual attraction.
What is _______________?
A safe alternative to intercourse where people can give themselves pleasure.
What is masturbation?
The most effective form of birth control
What is abstinence?
If a male doesn't ejaculate enough, he will build up an excess of sperm that needs to be released.
What is False? Sperm can live in the male reproductive system for 4-6 weeks. If it isn't released by then, it will die off.
If used correctly and consistently a condom prevents pregnancy this percent of the time.
What is 97%?
One partner usually decides when, where, and how to have sex. Healthy or Unhealthy?
What is _____________?
True or False: Having sex while standing prevents pregnancy.
What is False? *Sperm are strong swimmers & have no problem swimming uphill.
True or False: People can choose their sexual orientation.
What is _____________?? *People do not choose who they are attracted to. Feelings of attraction are discovered rather than chosen. Most experts today believe that sexual orientation is determined early in life and influenced by biological factors.
It is normal for vaginas to have a scent to them.
What is True? All vaginas have a mild scent.
True or False: There are only certain times of the month when a woman can get pregnant.
What is False? *A woman can get pregnant anytime of the day, night, or month. Some women can even get pregnant when on their period.
A relationship exists only over social media.
What is ______________??
This is the number of sperm that are produced by one ejaculation.
What is 150 to 600 MILLION? It only takes ONE to fertilize the egg.
50% of men and 75% of women can have this STD with no symptoms.
What is Chlamydia? *an STD that if left untreated, it can lead to scarring of the Fallopian tubes in women which causes sterility and lasting pain
True or False: A male can accidentally pee while having sex.
What is False? Muscles at the base of the bladder prevent men from urinating while they have an erection.
The average shelf life of a latex condom is ___ years.
What is two? *condoms do have expiration dates
True or False: The atmosphere in our (school/community) is very accepting of gay/lesbian/bisexual people.
What is _____________?
Sperm can live inside a woman for ______ day(s).
What is 2 to 7?
True or False: If you've ever been attracted to or had a pleasurable sexual experience with someone of the same gender, that means you're gay.
What is ___________? *It is very possible for someone with a heterosexual orientation to enjoy a sexual experience with someone of the same gender. A person is gay if his/her primary feelings of romantic & sexual attraction are for members of the same gender.
The only human organ that exists just for pleasure.
What is the clitoris?
genital soreness; pain at urination; cloudy or strong-smelling urine; unusual discharge from penis or vagina; sores or blisters on or near the genitals, anus, or inside the mouth; excessive itching or rash; stomach cramping; night sweats; weight loss; skin lesions; fever
What are symptoms of STDs?
True or False: Cyber sex is a safe & healthy way to get to know someone sexually.
What is __________??? It may be a good way to get to know someone you already know. But it is not a good way to get to know a stranger.
The average age of having sex (intercourse) for the first time. Males________ Females_____________
What is 18 (males) and 17 (females)? *90% of adolescents agree that they have sex before they are really ready.
The same chemical that is responsible for ecstatic highs of love and sexual attraction is also found in...
What is chocolate?