What is Stress?
Stress is the combination of a new or possibly threatening situation and your body’s natural response to the situation.
Define the stress response.
Your body’s reaction to a stressor.
Define defense mechanism.
It is an automatic, short-term behavior to cope with distress.
What is stress management?
the ability to handle stress in healthy ways
Any detailed program that is created ahead of time for doing something
What is a stressor?
A stressor is anything that causes a stress response.
Define fatigue and classify the difference between mental and physical fatigue.
Fatigue is a feeling of extra tiredness. physical fatigue makes you body feel tired, for example, you may experience physical fatigue after exercising. Mental fatigue causes you to lose all your energy, for example, if you experience to much stress at once, you may experience mental fatigue.
True or false: Defense mechanisms remove the stressor.
True or false: You should have about an hour every day for yourself
False (30 minutes).
True or False: Time manage is making appropriate choices about how to use your time
What are some stressors for teens?
• arguing with a brother or sister
• getting glasses or braces
• moving to a new home
• getting in trouble with a teacher
• making a speech in front of the class
What does the hormone, epinephrine, do to you when you are stressed?
The hormone increases the level of sugar in your blood and directs the “fight-or-flight” response.
Defense mechanisms are _______. Defense mechanisms _____ having to deal with the stressor.
temporary; delay
What are six common signs of distress (physical and emotional signs)?
ex: headaches, dry mouth. teeth grinding. shortness of breath, frustration, depression, irritability, worrying, pounding heart, muscle aches, fatigue, insomnia, loneliness
To arrange items in the order of importance
What is the difference between bad stress(distress) and good stress(positive stress)?
Distress can make you sick or interfere with your life.
Positive stress gives you extra energy, such as the energy boost you need to win a race. It can motivate, energize, and excite you.
If you feel a dry mouth, sickness. Tightened up muscles. Or feeling that you are extra powerful and having sharpened vision and hearing, you are experiencing the ______ (fill in the blank) response. These responses appear for what reason?
Fight-or-flight, to help you quickly deal with stressors.
Provide examples for each of defense mechanisms.
answers may vary.
Why is it important to share emotions?
Sharing your emotions is a way to help manage your stress. Often, just talking about your problem will help you solve it.
What are 3 ways of preventing stress?
Answers may vary
What happens when many stressors come at once?
If a major life event, such as the death of a favorite grandparent, is suddenly added, your stress level may change quickly. All routine stressors may become major problems, and even small stressors may seem beyond your control.
If you are distressed continuously, you may experience (list 3 examples). Explain how distress could affect your relationship with others.
Mention 3 of the following:
have difficulty sleeping or have frequent headaches
have mental or emotional problems, or cry for no reason
become depressed, bored, or frustrated
feel tense, irritable, and overwhelmed
have trouble concentrating on schoolwork and making decisions
overeat without meaning to or lose your appetite
Distress could affect your relationship with others by blurring your brain to make bad decisions, act over emotionally, or project your anger towards other for no reason etc.
What are five types of defense mechanism? Define each.
- rationalization, making excuses instead of admitting mistakes
- displacement, shifting negative feelings about one person to another person
- repression, blocking out unpleasant memories
- denial, ignoring reality or pretending that something doesn’t exist
- projection, putting the blame for your problem on someone or something else
Define reframing. What are three other ways to manage distress?
Reframing is changing the way you think about a stressor, and changing your emotional response to the stressor.
Asserting yourself, planning ahead, and laughing.
How can planning help you?
It can help you think ahead of time so that you are always on track.