Name four exercises used to develop your abdominal muscles.
Sit ups, plank, leg raises, med ball twists, v-sit, etc..
What are the four food groups?
Fruit and vegetables, grain, milk and alternatives, meat and alternatives.
Name three positive stress management strategies.
Exercise, breathing exercises, yoga, reading, listening to music, etc..
Who won the Stanley Cup this year?
Washington Captials
What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance?
muscular endurance is the ability for your muscles to do work for prolonged periods of time without fatigue, muscle strength the amount of force one muscle can generate for short amounts of time.
What are four essential nutrients your body needs to function?
1. Carbs 2. Protein 3. Fat 4. Vitamins and Minerals 5. Water
Name four different mental illnesses.
Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, etc..
Who is the captain of the Winnipeg Jets?
Blake Wheeler
What is the muscle that pumps blood to the rest of the body?
The Heart
What is an example of a healthy fat?
Unsaturated fats: fish oil, avocado oil, olive oil, nuts, etc..
How many hours of sleep a night is recommended for teenagers?
8-10 hours
In what sport is the word "love" used?
What muscle are you using (contracting) to straighten your leg?
What nutrient is needed to build, repair, and maintain body cells and tissues (muscles)?
What is a stigma?
an mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.
Who won the 2018 World Cup?
How can you find your maximum heart rate?
220-Age = Max Heart Rate
What nutrient is used as the first source of energy?
Name three professionals in or out of school you can talk to if you are struggling with your mental health.
teacher, counsellor, doctor, teen clinic, teen health line, psychologist, parents etc..
Where are the 2020 Summer Olympics going to be held?
Tokyo, Japan